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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What should I point out in my latest unfinished book introduction, "Art of

Question: What should I point out in my latest unfinished book introduction, "Art of Poetry!."
It's 3 pages so far, and I have been working on it all day!.
These are the topics I can think up, that I don't want to add into the intro!.!.!.
1!. History of poetry!.
2!. Rules of Poetry!.

The intro!. is basically a show of where poetry currently ranks as an outlet, and inlet for entertainment in American Society!.
I have exemplified on alternative ways of being entertained, how they override poetry!. Then I gave examples of how profitless the business is!. What should blend into the intro!? I need more pages!.
Any topic is fine, I am blocked of ideas right now, and I really need a starting point of some sort!.
J2BH (I have written more than three pages, all day, just not for the intro!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Shouldn't you have asked the Poetry crowd about, you know, poetry!? But I guess the Book people know more about books!. This is a hybrid question-- way to be eco-friendly!. Haha!.!.!. Man, I'm tired!.
I write poetry sometimes!.!.!. I dunno!.!.!. Maybe different types of poetry!? You know, haiku, sonnet, limerick, free verse!. You know more about it than I do, surely!. Impact of poetry on past society-- how it changed countries and won wars!. And, is poetry really the food of love/ the impact of poetry on the actual brain!? Famous poets and the people who loved them!? How poetry is a creative outlet for thousands of people!?
Oh, heck, I've got nothing, and I know it, too!.!.!. But perhaps through my ranting you've been able to scrape something useful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sorry this is the wrong place to askWww@QuestionHome@Com