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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I need help on a story I am writing. Long read.

Question: I need help on a story I am writing!. Long read!.
Ok, here is the story so far:

This story is about a guy, which we will name Alex, whose girlfriend just broke with him!. Clearly upset, he goes off to an arcade to release stress!. As he is playing, he sees the most beautiful girl he has ever seen enter the arcade by herself!. She looks lost, like she doesn't belong there because she doesn't!. Anyways, she starts playing a game right next to Alex and he notices she sucks at this game, she plays this game as if she has never played a game is her life!. She loses and begins to stare at Alex and his game!. She starts to talk to Alex and she says some compliments and finally she asks Alex for a cup of Coffee!. Confused and a bit vulnerable, he takes up her offer and goes with her!. She takes him to a small restaurant and pretty much, starts to talk to Alex as she knew him all of her life!. As the conversation goes on, the more confused he becomes and starts to ask himself: Is this girl real!? What's the deal with this girl!? Or a really cruel joke!? She decides to buy Alex something to eat, she recommends Cherry pie but Alex brings up the fact that he doesn't like Cherry pie and wants Apple instead!. So they start to argue and ultimately, she says she's the one who recommended Apple pie even though it was clearly she who did it!. Alex, very confused, decides to go with the flow and agrees with her and begins to question her motives, and begins to think of one possible reason of her actions: Love at first sight!. Only on problem, he doesn't believe love at first sight so he becomes more confused!. Anyways, he goes to the bathroom to wash his hand before the pie arrives and when he comes back, he notices she is going through his jacket and at this point, he feels insulted and decided to leave her because she is starting to freak him out!. As he starts to telling her about being weird, she begins to cry and says: I love you! Can't you see it!?! The moment I saw, I decided that I had to have you for the rest of my life! How could you be so blind!?! She runs off crying!. Embarrassed, Alex pays for the drinks and pie and leaves the restaurant and starts walking towards a bus stop when she calls him!. He is confused on how she got his phone number, she confesses she went through his jacket to get his cell phone number!. He says sorry to her about his reaction and she does the same about her over reacting and making a scene!. She says to him, I want to see you again but in a better atmosphere and she asks him out a date and he accepts!.

And that is what I got so far!. I was personally thinking that the girl, which I might name either Rose or Rosalina, passes away and Alex goes through a whole ordeal of pain and regret!. Another scenario is for Alex doesn't accept the date offer and goes through the book trying to avoid her!. I still haven't decided if Alex start to develop feeling for this girl because his girlfriend broke up with him at the start of the book!. One of the many themes is clearly: love at first sight and regret!. Sorry for the long story but I really need help with this story!. Many thanks for anyone who reads it and helps me!. also, say if this is a good story so far, I get negative feedback, I guess I will stop trying to write this story!.
Thanks in advance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I like it so far!. You can post it on http://www!.chaperead!.com to get some more feedback!. When you post it, post it for critique and you can ask people specific questions that you could like them to answer!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the name ROSELIE for her!. And she should be able to read minds or something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think its good so far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dont stop if you get negitive feedback!.
Hmm!.!.!. other than it sounding a little over the top, i have a feeling that im missing something!. Has she stalked him for a while!? Www@QuestionHome@Com