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Question: When making a new atlas!?
Just wondering when a factory is making an atlas or globe, do they seek the most up to date image of the earth from satellites!? Or do they use old images!?

I mean the coast of some countries could have slightly changed over the years, is this updated and how often!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It certainly depends on the company and the type of globe/map you are looking at!. If it's a cheap globe made in China, I doubt it's all that scientific in its measurements!. However, if it is a brand new globe from National Geographic that says it is current then it would be!.
But really the coasts of countries do not change all that often, literally centimeters over decades, which is too small an amount to be perceptible on a map!.
Political boundries are the more important factor, and once again, they depend on where the map is made, and what care is put into the map!. For example, a map of Asia made in China would have a different boundry for Taiwan than a map made in Taiwan, because of the ongoing dispute there!. But, for the most part, these types of changes are made to the maps going out when they happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com