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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Ok, in the midiator series do jesse and suze EVER KISS?

Question: Ok, in the midiator series do jesse and suze EVER KISS!?
NO SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!just yes or noWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
YESS!!! but it takes a while and when it happens youll love the series even more!.!.!.ive read all of them and that scene is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE OF ALL TIME!!!!! im not even kidding!.!.!.i wished it would happen to me!.

enjoy the series!!!!

i think that its in book 3 though not 2 and there is no kiss in 1 im pretty sure!.!. and i think theres 5 or 6 books!.!.!.!. lol

hope this helps =)Www@QuestionHome@Com


yes !.!. I'm guessing you're only on
the first book or second book!? :)Www@QuestionHome@Com