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Question: Breaking Dawn!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
Breaking Dawn was essentially a good book
but it didnt meet up to our expectations
at least that is what i think
so why are we giving Stephenie Meyer so much crap!?
i mean!.!.!. let me see you do better!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
breaking dawn was pretty good!. I didn't like fact that it was split into books within the book and i didn't like the jacob book at all!. I mean the plot was good but y from jacob's perspective!? I would give the ending a 9/10 but i think it needed more doom and gloom!. It was a good way to end a series but i would have preferred an ending that would make me scream because it held too much suspense!. Overall, i really liked the book!. Five stars! I was totally satisfied!. And i think people should stop saying bad things about it!. Stephen Myers can't please every single person in the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK, yeah, I totally and completely agree! Look, LOTS of people were excited for this book, and LOTS of people were going to need to be factored into this "Happiness" equation!. SM was NOT going to be able to make everybody happy!. If she were going to attempt to make everyone happy with the story, she would've probably had to write over 1000 stories!. If you ask me, Breaking Dawn was pretty good!. SM wrote the book the way she saw it and, honestly!? It was good!. I'll admit, the book had some parts that could be changed, but overall, I thought it was worth the wait and the money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe that breaking dawn was the best ending to twilight!. i wish that stephenie would write another book, so that we could see Bella and Edward and Renesmee in their later days though!. i dont see why all these people are talking bad about breaking dawn and that its not a good book and that we should return it and stuff like that!. i mean, twilighters, why would you say that about a book that stephenie has put a lot of time into to satisfy us!?! after all that stephenie has written for us, can't we be a little more appreciative!? i think that breaking dawn was a really good book and is probably my favorite book in the series along with twilight!.

P!.S!. i also like how stephenie made jacob imprint on renesmee so that he wouldnt cause anymore pain for himself and bella!. and he could be happy too and be apart of the familyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Generally, what I've observed is that people aren't really bashing it because it isn't a 'good book'!. It just strays from the Twilight trilogy almost entirely!.

If we all compared how good a book was to how well we could write, well, that's just illogical!.

My opinion, and I only claim it as my own, is that the no plot device (which was the baby) should take up half of a book, and then an entirely new perspective inserted right after it!. then a huge fight scene is set up, but then tossed!. in the end, things were sewed up, but just the book as a whole, not the events within it!. Just what I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeeh i dunno people who are saying all this crap to stephenie are really tight coz seriously i agree i'd like to see them do better!.

yeeh it was a bit out there but it was un expected and it kept you surprised!.

it was a good book in my opinion nothing like i thought the series would end but thats why its so good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the problem some people are havin with BD is that the first three books was that people actually believed what they reading(due to the amazing writer SM is)!.!.!. But During BD when Bella became pregnat it seem so far fetched!.!.it wasnt believable anymore!.!.!. I will say that the book did get better at the end!. I do love all books and i cant wait for the movie!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
From A Twilight momWww@QuestionHome@Com

I've seen other authors do better with plots that haven't been done before!. As the humble opinion of a 14 year old i found this series way to cliche and predictable for my taste!.
But hey! People have opinion's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She is a grown woman and a professional writer!. She can take the criticism unlike the wimpy, doormat, low-self-esteem female characters in her books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont know why everyone hated it so much!
i just finished today & i really liked it
it made me have a greater respcect for jacob
& i lovee little nessie:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

the best book was twilight !.!.!.the rest were all rite in my op ion

liked itWww@QuestionHome@Com