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Question: Is it pesky to ask a literary agent if she's received my author submission!?
Last week, I got a request to send in the first 100 pages of my manuscript (by Word File) to a literary agent, but I haven't received any acknowledgement that she's seen it!. Would it be considered "pesky" to ask if the submission arrived safely!? Or should I just cultivate patience and wait!? I'm just worried that my submission didn't arrive in her Mailbox!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First of all CONGRATS on your request! You have passed the first and most important hurdle, a request for a partial!. This is a major accomplishment!

Now, unfortunately, the waiting game begins!. Please remember that agents are incredibly busy, and their first priority must be to the clients they have already agreed to represent!. Reading even requested material must be done in and around their work with contracted clients!. I would definitely counsel you to wait at least another week (or even two) before asking if your email arrived!. If your other email correspondence to her arrived, chances are very good that this one did too!.

I know it is difficult to wait, but you can spend this time working on polishing the remainder of this manuscript, writing your new work in progress, or even sending out more query letters to other agents!. Remember the old saying about putting all your eggs in one basket!

I'd say wait another week at least!. She might be very busy, and it might take a while for her to read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com