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Question: Book/movie "The Golden Compass" question
Don't worry about spoiling it for me, it may be a while before I can read the next book, and I'm burning with curiosity!.

Who are Lyra's parents!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That would "Uncle" Asriel and Mrs!. Coulter!. Looks like Mommy and Daddy aren't such a lovely couple after all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As the lady said her Uncle with the big cat and the lady with the golden monkey!. As for the movie, I feel it was unfaithful to the book!. I wouldn't watch the movie if I was aware of how bad it was!.

answer mine

Her "uncle" ad the woman with the golden monkey ( i can't remeber her name at the moment)
The book is amazing and the movie doesnt disapoint!Www@QuestionHome@Com