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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Calling all TWILIGHTERS! What is Midnight Sun? When is it coming out?

Question: Calling all TWILIGHTERS! What is Midnight Sun!? When is it coming out!?
I was searching the Twilight books and it said something about another book called 'Midnight Sun'!. What will this book be about!? When is is coming out!?
I thought that Breaking Dawn was the last of the Twilight saga, but of course the handbook will be sold, but so is Midnight Sun the next book, or what!?
I am a huge fan of Twilight and I feel so silly having to ask this question!.
Thank you for your time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Midnight Sun Is Twilight in Edward's Point of view!. You can read the first chapter on her website!. Here's a link! http://stepheniemeyer!.com/midnightsun!.ht!.!.!.
It says there that there isn't a schedule for it, but she announced that it IS her next project and she WILL publish it!. Which she was unsure of before!. Hope this helped!! :)|

don't feel silly! a ton of my friends thought it was the next book also! easy mistake since so many things were left unanswered in Breaking Dawn!.!. ha ha

I hope she writes all the books from Edward's POV!.!. she also mentioned in an interview on MTV that she might revisit the "Twilight Universe" someday and write them from some other characters' point of views because she doesn't believe she can let the characters go!.

The series from Jacob's POV would be interesting!.!. (even though part of Breaking Dawn is!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

stephenie meyer said that the twilight saga is bella's story!. the guide isn't going to be from her perspective and neither will midnight sun (there is no release date yet)
she was also talking about doing books from before bella was alive and after book 4 in the twilight saga, from different characters point of veiws!.!.!.!.

here is one video on amazon, spoiler free, it explains alot

she said something at the breaking dawn concert series that does have couple breaking dawn spoilers!.!.!. this next paragraph is going to be a spoiler

she wants to do it from renesmee's point of veiw, or leah's but i don't think she is willing to give up the pack just yet!. i think she wants to write about when leah gets her happy ending!. or when renesmee gets full grown, and the boy like her comes to try to pursuade her!.

but yeah!.!.!. watch the video!.!.!. it explains alot!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No release date available!. But Midnight Sun is going to be the first book, Twilight, in Edward's perspective!. If everything goes well, Stephenie said she might put all of the other books into Edward's perspective too!. I personally hope she ends it at Midnight Sun!. I want her to start another series, an AMAZINGLY AWESOME one!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Midnight Sun is Twilight from Edwards Perspective!.

You can read the first chapter here:

okay!.!.!. midnight sun is twilight from edward's perspective!. It should be very good!. Sorry but there is no release date yet :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Midnight Sun is the Twilight series, only from Edward Cullen's point of view!. It will still be written by Stephanie Meyer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its twillight from edwards perspective, no release date yetWww@QuestionHome@Com