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Question: Story about girl stuck in mud
I'm looking for a short story about a young girl who gets stuck in the mud from a mudslide!. I believe the title had the word "Clay" in it but I'm not sure!. Anyone know!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"And of Clay Are We Created" by Isabel Allende
"The story is about a young girl who is trapped in a mudslide, and a reporter, Rolf Carlé, who is sent in his television helicopter to cover her rescue!. Unable to maintain his reporter’s objectivity, he joins in the unsuccessful rescue attempt, and then stays with the girl until she dies!. As he talks with the girl over a period of days, Carlé remembers and begins to address his own youthful suffering, which he has repressed for many years!. At a further remove, the girl and the reporter are being watched on television by the narrator, Carlé’s lover, who experiences the pain of both!."Www@QuestionHome@Com