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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can you give me some information about Victorian Era literature?

Question: Can you give me some information about Victorian Era literature!?
Im taking honors English 10 this year in school, and im doing my summer reading!. I have to read Jane Eyre and A Separate Peace, and im almost finished with Jane Eyre!. One part of the assignment is to write a thesis essay on Victorian Literature!. I did research on Wikipedia, but I need some more basic info!. also, do you think they way Womens literature during that period was viewed and treated would be a good sub topic!? Thanks =] Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This isn't going to answer your question, but I want to emphasize that you should never never ever use Wikipedia as an academic reference source unless your teacher has specifically told you that it's all right!. The best way to use Wikipedia is to read the article for background knowledge, and then use the links at the bottom of the page to find real sources and citations!. However!. There is no reason for you to be using the Internet to fulfill this assignment!. The information you are seeking can be found in books, so go to the library and ask for help if necessary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com