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Question: Fahrenheit 451 questions!?
I am currently reading Fahrenheit 451!. I am on page 46ish and they have been talking about walls, and a parlor!. My question is!.!.!.

I dont understand what the walls and the parlor are!. The parlor has volume!.!.!.!.I know that!. But what are they!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The walls are like giant interactive TV's that people don't need a lot of brainpower to interact with!. For example, Mildred talks to her "family" on those walls, really talking about nothing!. The walls are just another symbol in that book to show how ignorant the society was!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its a fake vurtual thing they call their family
they are huge tv screens that they call the parlor and once they save up to have all four walls as screens they have the whole family
mildred is obsessed with the walls and is as crazy as the whole society, basiclally showing how technology has ruined the meaning of living

you can get a lot of info on it at sparknotes!.com or wikipedia!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

I remember reading that book! I liked it!.
Don't remember anything about walls though!.



you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alot

They are TV screens that surround the living room!. The book is talking about how Mildred wants a forth wall installed!. Apparently she watches soap operas day in and day out!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is kinda like a family room and the walls r tvs!.!. it is common in the society to have all 4 walls as tvsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Television screens !.