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Question: How amazing was Breaking Dawn!?!?
Okay spoillerrr

I thought it was awesome!!!! I thought it was great ending BUT I thought it was kinda wierd about Charlie and Sue- it was kinda random!.!.!.!.

also, has that ever happened before with a vampire and a human because it seems kinda wierd about what happened to Bella and everyone has said it's not possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was very different than i expected!.!.!. but good!. There were so many different aspects of the story, if you got bored with one, you could focus on another!. I loved all the humor stephanie through in!. Some of my favorite quotes are:

"And missile-proof glass!? Nice!. What happened to good old-fashioned bullet proof!?" -Bella, pg 7

"I knew where Jacob was, roughly speaking, and I also knew that no one had seen this boy!." -Bella, pg 10

"The door slammed shut and I flinched like I'd been tasered!.
' Hey, Charlie," Edward called, entirely relaxed!.
"No!" I protested under my breath!.
"What!?" Edward whispered back!.
"Wait till he hangs his gun up! ' " -Bella and Edward, pg 13

" ' Everything's okay!.'
Edward grimaced, and I knew it was in objection to the word okay!. He probably would have used something more like wonderful or perfect or glorious!." -Bella, pg 14

"Life sucks, and then you die!." -Jacob, pg 143

" 'Seth, are you gonna get mad if I kill your sister!?'
' Yea, probably!.' " -Jacob and Seth, pg 230

"What's for breakfast!? O negative or AB positive!?" -Jacob, pg 280

" 'This is really good by the way!. Impressive, for someone who doesnt eat!.'
'Food Network!.' " -Bella and Edward, pg 97

" 'Rosalie, why dont you get Jacob something to eat from the kitchen!?' Alice said!.
' Thanks anyway Alice, but I dont think I'd want to eat something Blondie's spit in!. '
' Rosalie would never embarass Esme by displaying such a lack of hospitality!.'
'Of course not,' Blondie said in a sugar-sweet voice that I immediately distrusted!. She got up and breezed out of the room!.
Edward sighed!.
' You'd tell me if she poisoned it, right!?' I asked!.
'Yes,' Edward promised!.
And for some reason I believed him!.
There was a lot of banging in the kitchen!. Rosalie was back before I could think much more about it!. With a pleased smirk, she sat a silver bowl on the floor next to me!.
'Enjoy, mongrel!.'
It had once been a mixing bowl, but she'd bent it to look like a dog dish!. I had to be impressed with her quick crafsmanship!. And her attention to detail!. She'd scratched the word 'Fido' into the side!. Exellent handwriting!.
'Thanks Blondie!.'
She snorted!.
'Hey, what do you call a blonde with a brain!? A golden retriever!." -pg 293-4

"I mean, at least you didn't bite me or anything!. That would've sucked!." -Seth, pg 453 Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I thought Breaking Dawn was a good read!. Actually, Charlie getting together with Sue wasn't too surprising!. You knew that he needed someone in his life after Bella left!. I thought that his reaction to Renesmee's accelerated growth was strange---c'mon, just a "need to know basis"!

The pregnancy was strange!. But, Edward did point out the theory of the incubus and succubus!. SM just made it a whole lot prettier with Renesmee!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i thought it was very gd!!!! but why the heck wud u call a kid nessie!?!?!?!? every time i read tht i kept laughing, but yeh apart from tht!.

i kinda saw charlie and sue coming, it kinda makes sense really, well it does in my head anyway!.

i think the reason everyone assumed the baby thing wudn't happen was because nobody thought tht vampires could have kids, whether they were male or female, because of what rosalie said, obviously we never new tht male vampires could if the mother was a human!. i think tht was quite a gd twist really because nobody (unless they found online spoilers) really saw it coming!.

my opinions, please don't take affence!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

kk well stephenie meyer said that she never said that vampire BOYS cant have babies! its just vampire girls that cant have babies! so technically YES it can happen! cuz bella was human when she had nessie!
and i LOVED the book!
and haha lol ya, charlie and sue was kinda random, but atleast hes not lonely now!

you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alot


it was sooo amazing!!!! i thought what happened with sue and charlie was cute!.!.!.

hey its stephenies book, she can do whatever she wants with the plot!

GO TEAM EDWARD!! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it was kind of amazing you know!.!.! =D Some of it was weird i agree with you on that one!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought it was horrid!. Just saying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was AWESOME!!!! I loved that book!Www@QuestionHome@Com