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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What literary period is Fahrenheit 451 in, and why?

Question: What literary period is Fahrenheit 451 in, and why!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's post-modernist!. The two obvious reasons are it's date of publication, and the the fact that it's literary sci-fi!. If you need more specific information email me and I'll send you the 7 common traits for post-modernism so you can use the correct vocab!. Just remember that your first hint at separating modernism from post modernism is the end of WW2 plus five years, so around 1950!. As a rule if an author published something after that date his work is considered post-modernist!. Fahrenheit 451 first appeared in print in 1950, so it's a pretty easy case to make!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Ray Bradbury book "Fahrenheit 451 was written in 1952 and made into a movie in 1963!.

It is classified as "Science Fiction"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fahrenheit 451 is a science fiction novel written by Ray Bradbury!. Are you asking what time it is set it!? Cuz that would be the future, mate!. The very creepy future!.

It would just be the Contemporary PeriodWww@QuestionHome@Com