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Question: Does this make sense in harry potter!?
in the order of the phoenix harry is able to see the creatures that pull the coaches to hogwarts because he witnessed cedric diggorys death!. how come he wasnt able to see them before as he witnessed his parents death!.after all his mother stood over him as a baby to stop you know who from killing him so he would have seen her die!.!.!.!.or does he have to be able to remember it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Quote JK Rowling:

"I've been asked this a lot!. Harry didn't see his parents die!. He was in his cot at the time!.!.!.He didn't see Quirrels death, either!. Harry had passed out before Quirrel dies and was only told about it by Dumbledore in the last chapter!."

For the full answer to this, go to http://jkrowling!.com and find it in the FAQ section!.!.!.hope I helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Actually!. JKR answered this question on her website!.
He can't see them earlier because he didn't actually see anyone die until Cedric died!. He saw the light of the spell when his mother died, but not her actual death!. He can't see the thestrals on the way home his fourth year because he needed to get over the shock and realize what the death meant!.
It's only after he has processed everything that happened that he could see the thestrals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Now that, my friend, is an excellent question!. I think that in Harry's mind, you have to remember the deaths completely, be able to relive through it in your head, for the memory of the death of his mother is locked up deep inside his mind though he can't reach it ever, I'm supposing!. Of ocurse, this is but a guess but hopefully it just gives a theory!. ^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe it was a plain mistake which everyone can make, or he just didn't know his parents well enough b4 the "echoes" of them showed up in tom riddle senior's graveyard!.!.!.probably the latter i don't think that rowling would actually make a mistake in her book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

and he also didnt see them when they were leaving school in end og goblets of fire!. there are mistakes, but forgivable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe it was because he really did'nt know his parents then!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hehehehe!. Somebodys a little obsessed!. LOLWww@QuestionHome@Com