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Question: Time Traveler's Wife
What did you think of it!? I loved it!. I cried at the end, at work!. I cried because it was so sad and because the book was over!. I wanted to continue being in Henry and Clare's life!. I cannot wait for the movie!. One of the best books I have ever read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My mom gave it to me and I really didn't think I'd like it but I read it to be polite!. I'm awfully glad I did too, because it turned out to be way better than I thought it would!. When I finished it I just started it over again and I hardly ever do that!. I've read it a couple of times since and I like it just as much every time, even though I know the whole story!. I think the author did a fantastic job on everything in this book, from the characters to the sequencing to the settings!. Brilliant!.
I won't watch the movie though!. The book is too much a part of my mind now, the movie would irritate me, I just know it!
Thanks for asking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I actually bought it at a book fair over a month ago and promptly misplaced it!
I had completely forgotten about it until you mentioned it!
I JUST looked for it and found it in the bag on top of my bookcase,
I am going to start reading it tonight!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved this book too!. when does the movie come out!. i was so sad it doesn't have sequelWww@QuestionHome@Com