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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Stephenie meyer And the...Uh...Rob effect?

Question: Stephenie meyer And the!.!.!.Uh!.!.!.Rob effect!?
I have been relatively rant free for the most part but dammit, this is enough!. She is living in freaking wonderland!. She's ignoring negative criticism from her fans which is imperative to her career!. She needs to listen to what people are saying about her!. She can't explain this away as the "Rob effect"!.
she made a mockery of her fans by changing her own ideas of what can and can't happen in her Twilight world!. And now she's acting as if her fans aren't intelligent enough to form their own opinion about her books!. She needs to come back to reality!.
And if she wants to have a career in the future, telling her fans to deal with it is certainly not the way to go about having success!. Treating us like we are stupid and that naturally we are going to come around and like the book is absurd!.
Learn to like it my a**!. She needs to stop trying to throw other people under the bus, and own her mistake!. If she would do that a lot more people would respect her!.

"She just wanted to touch us all with her work!."

Yeah she touched me, in a horrible way that makes me want to call the police!.
Yeah!.!.So what do you all think!? Is the Rob effect working on YOU!?
Well not for me!.!.!.it's been a week and I STILL hate it!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I still hate it too! Ha!.

I'm rather upset with Smeyer for the "Rob Effect" comment!. I didn't like Breaking Dawn-- I've never liked the Twilight series!. But I never insulted her as a person-- she seemed nice enough!. But that comment makes her seem kind of!.!.!. bitchy to me!.

I thought it was horribly rude of her, and I was actually offended!.

For one thing, she's using poor Rob as a scapegoat!. There is a HUGE difference between disapproving of an actor you haven't seen on the screen yet, and disliking a book you've already read!. Yeah, people were upset with Rob at first, but that was unfair because they hadn't given him a chance!. Now that people have seen clips from the movie and have seen what kind of an actor he is, the majority are happy with him!. But we (meaning, those who didn't like BD) have already *given* Breaking Dawn its chance!. If she compared Rob to judging a book by its cover, I wouldn't be upset with her!. But she outright said that anyone who doesn't like the book should "learn to like it"!. Her comparison doesn't make a lot of sense!.

The way she said it implied that her fans who dislike the book are illiterate fools who don't understand literature!. She's insulting my intelligence by suggesting that I "don't get" her book!. I got the book-- and I still didn't like it!. Her books are not difficult to understand! They are not that deep, nor am I that stupid!. If a book is bad, it's bad!. Books are either well written, or badly written!. No matter how many times I read a book, it won't make the book/plot/writing any better!. If it sucks, it sucks!. I didn't dislike BD because of the "Rob Effect"!. I disliked it because it SUCKED!. Instead of refusing to see why her fans are upset, why doesn't she just buck up and take responsibility!? Telling her fans to "deal with it" isn't right!. Instead of telling people to "Deal with it" and hence offending many, she needs to take the criticism and use it to grow as an author!.

I felt like she alienated a lot of fans by saying that!. There were a LOT of people on Amazon who were offended by her comment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

shes crazy we thought rob wasnt rite for the role cuz he was ugly but after they did the make up and junk he turned out decent

now we hate breaking dawn because it purely sucked!! it was written like a bad fanfiction!.!.!.u cant make the book look better cuz well it reeked!.!.!.i will never like breaking dawn
its not the "rob effect" its the "Breaking Dawn sucks effect"Www@QuestionHome@Com

link please

EDIT: rob effect link here:

links for Smeyer's interview included in that discussion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

uhh!.!.!. what!?!? im confused bout what your talkin boutWww@QuestionHome@Com

I did not like how she made that comment!. She did stuck up when she said people would have to deal with it!. I thought calling her thing the 'Rob effect' was very rude on Robert and a bad comparusion!. I don't think that Rob was the best choice but I can't say much because we haven't seen the whole movie!. we've read Breaking Dawn!. It was not what I imagined, but i'm fine with it!. What really bugged me was that she said she had to write what was best for her then for us!. I understand that but she has to think of her fans as she writes this!. you're right, she does need to take negative criticism and not tell fans to deal with it!. Not good for her image or to get us to like her and her books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just finished the book a few days ago!. I'm still a little like "what the hell just happened!?" Its like I was slapped and I'm anticipating the sting!. It just hasn't caught up yet!. I really don't know how I feel about the whole thing!. If steph says she wanted to write the ending like that from the beginning than I guess she shouldn't have led us to the misconception of vampires being able to conceive children!.

I think i'm more concerned with how completely detached bella acted during the whole thing!. like she was completely unrelatable!. I know its a little impossible to be relatable to a fictional vampire, but still, she never wondered about ever trying to see her mother, or even her friends!. and what the hell is she going to do while in forks, stay at the cullen's house all the time!. she's going to have to leave, and then someone is bound to notice her!. so many questions left unanswered!.

so confused!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what was the question!? and what the heck is "The Rob Effect!." and I love Twilight!. I love how Stephenie Meyer writes, whatever she writes is gold!. I love everything about Twilight, mostly Edward Cullen!. She IS the one that writes the books, she IS the one who imagines the story/plot, and she does it so well I wish she never stopped!. Yes, I do agree with you about listening to our opinions, and stuff, and yeah she shouldn't be making us feel stupid for making suggestions or expressing our opinions (I personally would like some proof of that, a link), but I'm not complaining cause (I repeat) I love everything, so far!. Besides, we can't tell her what to write and stuff, we can suggest things, but she's the one that writes the series, she gets to choose whether or not to use the advice!. But maybe I would change my mind if I had some proof of her being rude (ignoring!.!.!.w/e you mentioned above)!.

Forget most of what I said, now that you just added the additional information!.

Is Breaking Dawn really that bad!? I haven't gotten the chance to read it, but is it the last book!? Yeah JK Rowling is always gonna be better!. Stephenie Meyer needs to rewrite Breaking Dawn, if that's the case!. You know what the only reason I read Twilight, cause Edward is hot, and there are some intense kissing parts!. Who agrees with me!? WOOT WOOT!Www@QuestionHome@Com

provide a link, cause i don't hae a clue what you're talking about haha!.
what the hell is the rob effect!?

edit: time to rant!. kay!. now i've seen some of sm's q&a!. she's stuck up!. really!. she is!. okay, she seems nice!. w/e!. i look like i'm an innocent twelve year old, but i can be snarky and sarastic when i wanna be!. looks can disceve!.
i like rob as edward and i hate breaking dawn!. so there, sm!.
it's whatever!. she's lame!. how can you compare not liking a book that you've read to an actor you haven't seen on screen!.!.!.!.!.i guess she made sense!. and i bet rob feels good knowing he's known as something totally stupid like the 'rob effect' huh!. now i'm positive she wrote bd!. if she could say something so retarded!.
hey sm!? if breaking dawn didn't finish you, that comment did!.

wait guys! in an hour the rob effect might work it's magic and we'll fall in love with breaking dawn and think edward is totally hawtt!
fcuking stupid!.

piggy!? you only prove my point!. if edward were ugly, sm would still be a nobody!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with Stephenie Meyer here!. First, she is not "hiding" from fan criticism!. The woman has been working incredibly hard the last few years!. Now that this book is out, she deserves a (well earned) vacation!.

As for the "Rob effect" I agree there too!. When Robert Pattinson was cast, I read the message boards at IMDB!.com!. Girls were in an uproar!. They HATED the casting of him!. Funny, when I go back now, it is those SAME girls who are adoring Robert Pattinson, calling him God's gift to women and the such!. The point is, first impressions don't always stick!. Maybe not for everyone, but for some people, just give the book time to sink in and you will like it more!.

And until ANY of us are in Stephenie Meyer's shoes, trying to write a story that we love while also trying to keep rabid fans at bay, I don't think that we have any right to criticize her in this way!. So you don't like the book!. Fine!. No reason to tear her personal conduct apart!. After all, she started writing for HERSELF and no one else, we are lucky to have these books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that Stephenie doesn't have to everything her fans tell her to!. She wrote her books how she thought they should go!. If you didn't like it thats fine, but she has a right to write books that she wants to!. She's quoted saying that the things people are saying are hurting her!. I mean if you wrote a book and people told you it should go this or that way and you want it to go a different way wouldn't you make it go your way!? I get that you don't want to have to learn how to like it because you are allowed to not like it but don't disrespect her for writing something you didn't like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think Rob is ugly, I think he is amusing!. But YES, Meyer needs to grow up!. She is definently smoking pot or something, and thinks she is infalliable and will never be affected by all the book returnings!. "I can't please EVERYONE!" she whines!. Yeah, she couldn't, but she could aim at pleasing the majority, no!? Honestly, her book was revolting!. She made NO effort whatsoever!. When you're an author (no matter how crappy) and you have a huge fan following, you have a responsibility to your fans!. Meyer decided to act like a 12 year old and puked in her fans faces!. Great job!. Now try and publish Midnight Sun!. Another gross series from Ed's POV!?! Ewww!.

I Absolutely HATE him, as an Edward!. I hate it!. I hate it!. I hate it!.
I think he's ugly, I don't understand how they can choose someone with an English accent (since that is not in the book at all), and I don't think he can act as an amazing Edward!.
Uuugh :[

leave her alone i love stephenie's books and i like her but that dude is not hot at allWww@QuestionHome@Com