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Question: Help with writing a book!.
I'm writing my first book, that I intend to get published!.
I have it all set out, I just need three names for characters:
1 girl, who is head of everything going on!.
1 girl, who looks after all the children!.
1 boy, who turns up out of the blue, and falls in the love with the first girl!.

The book is called: When I came to the island!. If I choose your name I will mention you in the book!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:


The first site is really cool!. It has names but it also give the meaning of the names and their origins!.
The second site is a list of names that are also the names of flowers!.

I know personally when I'm coming up with a characters name I want it to have meaning to the character and the these sites have helped me in the past!.

As far as names go:
1!. Falon it means leader and it's not a commonly used name which would add some interest and help the character stand out more

2!. Miliani it means gentle caress and it's origins are Hawaiian which would fit the island setting!.

3!. Doyle which means dark stranger!. That would work if you want him to be a less than nice guy!. Or Doran which means pilgram, stranger, exile which opens you up for all kinds of possiblities for how/why he arrived at the island!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should have a different name like for each person!.

Like for exaple:
the first girl- Marika
2nd girl- Able
Boy- (i dont have a name for it!.!.!. =P i am not good with boy names)

But each name should somehow go with the charater like Marika for example she could be like a very bright fun charater and seems to know a lot!.!.

That is good that u r writing your 1st book!. To tell u the truth so am I!.!.!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Girl 1: Alex, Max, Sam, Logan!.!.!. they are girl and boy names, and they sound superior
Girl 2: Jessica, Arie, Maddie, Anna, Jasmine(jazz for short)
Boy: Steve, David, Peter,

IF you pick these names, my real name is Sarah


copy and paste this bunny on your profile so it could gain world domination Www@QuestionHome@Com

If we answer it it won't be yours, even if you do mention the person in the book!. Of how great significance will it be to us!? This is YOUR book, you think over the ideas!. Yes, we can just randomly give you three names, but what good will that do to the story!?

Names are given to characters in a story with motives, not just an online survey!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

try behindthenames!.com
once you know your characters, then you can name them based on their personalites!.

my suggestions:
1!. blair
2!. leah
3!. chase,travis,jared,wes

ok these r the first ones tht come into my head tht i think suit the charcter description

girl one: maria
girl two: lucy
boy: jamie

gd luck with ur book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Howard A Burke

Lisa W!. Fisher

Ella C!. JohnsonWww@QuestionHome@Com


there ya go!. good luck with your book!Www@QuestionHome@Com