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Question: How to make a book original!?
in my writing, i find it hard to make up a good conspiracy theory without it sounding lame or too much like another person's idea!. how am i ever to come up with something new!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ask yourself what gave you this idea & go from there!. Take each character separately & ask him/her their POV & how they would handle it--who to trust, what safe places do they need when the plan goes awry!. Throw in a twist--the oldest/wisest leader is a double agent or is in the beginning stages if dementia, but has been able to hide it!. Keep a notebook or small recording device handy and put down all your thoughts down as you let your imagination soar!

My other advice is to read as much conspiracy literature (fiction & non-fiction) to get a feel for the genre!. JUST USE YOUR IMAGINATION & TALENT!!! Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmm!.!.!. use your life!? Cos that's definitely unique lol! xD

also!.!. sometimes it helps if you just mutate the plot, give it a twist here and there and lo behold! It's original!.

PS - Books don't always have to have an original plot to be good!.!. its the little details in the book that counts!. xDWww@QuestionHome@Com

The character's personalities and the way the book is written gives it some originality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

honestly, there's no such thing as 'original' in the literary world!.
if you take an idea, just make sure you make it your own!.


Originality is overrated!. People buy what they know and are comfortable with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

make it your own!. take something from your own life and weave it into your book!.!.!.!.
: )Www@QuestionHome@Com

just go with an old one Www@QuestionHome@Com