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Question: What is your favorite book in the Twilight saga!?
& who is your favorite character!?
im only on Twilight so please no spoilers!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow!. I would have to say my favorite is Breaking Dawn!.!. I wish I could tell you why!! haha and I have like 7 favorite Characters!.!.
>Listed In Order<
Edward (Duh)

Seth (Tied with Jacob Basically but I like him A TINY TINY bit more because of his personallity!.)

Jacob (also Duh)

*You said No spoilers so I can't tell you this one*


Bella (Of Course)


Eclipse and Twilight are my top two!.
I guess you could say Twilight was the beginning of a "beautiful friendship!."
!.!.!.But I think with Eclipse you just get!.!.!.more; it's not that it's necessarily "better," just that it adds much more to the story!.

As far as favorite characters go, that's a tough one!.
Stephenie Meyer has created an amazing universe for her fans to dwell in, where we can live with vampires (and some others), and it's hard not to find yourself completely immersed in Forks!. I know I have basically forgotten my 'world' while I read the books!. I was Bella, in love with Edward!. C'mon, it's hard not to be!.
So, of course, Edward is definitely up there!. I think it's the fact that he's the ultimate man, which is ironic since he is a vampire!. haha!. He's "perfect," you know!? He keeps us up at night, wishing desperately that he were real (or, at the very least, that some guy, some day may possibly come close to measuring up to his outstanding image)!.
And then there's Jacob!.
Oh, Jacob!. (I will not elaborate, for the sake of your reading pleasure!.)
But, again, it's hard not to love each and every character!.


I liked the first book the best!.

I quite like Bella, I found some of her characteristis, like her clumsiness and her lack of interest in clothes, very endearing!. I also liked Jacob very much!. I find him more interesting than the vampires as I don't find perfection particularly interesting!. I never really had any hope that Jacob would end up with her though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

twilight and eclipse!.
as for my fave character, i have a lot!. here they are in order!.!.!.!.

edward (hmm!.!.!.!.sorta - i was comparing him to fang from the maximum ride series)

alice (she's so cute, ya know!? like a little sister everyone would want)

jacob and bella are tied for third (bella cuz she's sorta weird, and jacob cuz he imprinted on!.!.!.whoops!. i won't continue)

and reneesmee - bella's!.!.!.!.whoops again!. no spoilers, i forgot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm!. I'd have to say my favorite book was!.!.!.either Eclipse or Breaking Dawn!. I liked them both so much!. But I'm leaning towards Breaking Dawn for a reason I can't say!. ^^ Favorite characters!.!.!.Hmm!.!.!.I'd have to say I have a few!. Here they are in order!.

Seth(New Moon person)!. Jake!. Spoiler Person!. Kate from the Denali Clan!. Spoiler Person!. Spoiler Person xD!. Emmett!. And Spoiler Person!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love Eclipse!. And I love Rosalie and Jasper they have a great history!. and I love Jaspers personality!. But if your asking Edward or Jacob!. I would have to say Edward!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

the first book, Twilight!. My favorite character!? Of course Edward Cullen, wonder if there's actually a real one out here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My fave is eclipse and my fave characters are Edward and JacobWww@QuestionHome@Com

id have to say the third onee
because of the immense amout of love and romance from edwardWww@QuestionHome@Com