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Question: What was your favorite part of breaking dawn!?
I think it is so cute when Bella was talking to that guy on her way to see the lawyer and then the guys says something about her boyfriend and Bella says "No um my husband" I thought that was so cute!!! i love it when they refer to each other as husband and wife its so cute!. (I no i no thats odd) and i also like the part when esmes gives he and Edward a house and "privacy"!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
chapters 1-6!. they were great!. the wedding, the honeymoon!. everything!.

and i like the very last part of the book, when edward finally got to hear bellas thoughts!. i was so happy!. it was a great way to end the book!.

and whenever emmett made a joke, especially those sex jokes around charlie!. those were great!. anything emmett says makes me laugh!.

ooo, and the arm wrestling part!. that was great!.

LOTS lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

I loved the last three pages of Breaking Dawn!. Where they know they can be with each other for the rest of their existence, Edward actually can hear Bella, and they both adore Nessie and out her to sleep!. It's so cute!. Now Bella can have her life where she does have little children and more people to care for!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh wow! My favorite part is when Jacob goes down the stairs because he's ready to kill Renesmee and then he imprints on her! I thought that was so creative!. To give a part Bella to Jacob without taking any part her away from Edward!. Much better ending than I could have thought of! Props to MeyerWww@QuestionHome@Com

awwwwwwwwww! i luv dat bit too! it's so adorable! my favourite part is when Edward first hears Renesmee's mind inside Bella and he says that Renesmee already loves Bella very much!. Then Jacob gets annoyed which i also love cos although Taylor Lautner is very very good, Jacob annoys me!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really liked Jake and Leah's interaction after she joined his pack!. ^__^ That's really the only thing I liked about Breaking Dawn, so that makes it my favorite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like the part when jacob and the pack were planning to ambush the cullens they should of ambushed them since theyd be hugely outnumbered since carlisle and esme were goneWww@QuestionHome@Com

When Bella first saw Renesmee, and when she first opened her eyes to her new life!. When the Volturi met them at the clearing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the part where i ripped out a few pages and used it for toilet paper!.

