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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know how many books are going to be in the Twilight series once it&#

Question: Does anyone know how many books are going to be in the Twilight series once it's finished!?
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It finished!. Though there may other books coming out from other characters POV!. But i dont think thats high in her priority list right now!. I know she is working on Midnight Sun (twilight in edward's POV) and is done like 14 chapters on it!. She is planning on publishing it too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight series was officially finished with the publication of book #4, 'Breaking Dawn', last Friday, Aug!. 2nd!. There will be no more continuation of Bella and Edward's story, however Meyer is planning on publishing 'Twilight' again in Edward's point of view, currently named 'Midnight Sun'!.

?Graceful Little Alice?Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are only the 4, then there is midnight sun which is twilight from edward prospective!. So she may continue to write the books from Edward point of view, although it isn't certain that she will!. You can find out more on stephenie meyer's website stepheniemeyer!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

It is finished!. 4!. Midnight Sun is a possibility, but I wouldn't put too much hope on it!. But even Midnight Sun wouldn't be in the series exactly, just a retelling in another POV!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well theres
New Moon
Breaking Dawn

The end

Well then Stephine Meyer said she wanted to write Twilight from Edward's POV, which might be 1-4 more books dependsing if she wants to do the enite series or just Twilgiht from his POV!.

It's over!. Breaking Dawn is the final book from Bella's POV!.
Stephenie Meyer is writing Midnight Sun, which is Twilight from Edward's POV!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well the series is over!.!.!. 4 books!.!.!. but the books in total is 5 (with midnight sun)!. I don't know if she'll make New Moon and Eclipse with different pov's though!. So am not entirely sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bella's story is over!. Other books may be written from other points of view though!.!.

Midnight Sun is the only one we know of for sure, as of now!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Isn't it already finished!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's over there is four books!. midnight sun is twilight just from edward view point!.Www@QuestionHome@Com