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Question: Who else is in love with Edward Cullen!?!?!?
I TOTALLY AM and i was wondering if i was just a weird little child!.!.!.heeheehee

Edward, if you're out there, I LOVE YOU!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think the way the author describes him makes me want to meet a guy like him because he's a little selfish,but protective,and loving!.I have to say that I love the character,but I'm not in love with him,because he doesn't exist and it's just a character,it's better to be in love with someone in real life!. Haha I'm waiting for a guy like that to fall from heaven for me!. =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

HAHA!!! I suggest you LISTEN to Pax C!!!

Edward annoys me to death and he's just disgusting!. Yuck!. He doesn't treat his wife AS a wife he treats her as a prostitute!.
He once HATED her own daughter!.
Nessie hates him too, anyway!.

Plus, his cheesy love lines just aren't appealing to me!.
I hate bloodsuckers and leeches!.
I hate overprotective people!.
I hate old fashioned people!.
I hate 100+ year old walking corpses!.
I hate spies!.
I hate liars!.
I hate abusive people!.
I hate people who force me to marry them!.
Most of all, I HATE BEASTS!!!!!

I'm more of a Jacob girl!. Jacob is the COMPLETE opposite of Edward, the yucky pig!. EUW!.

Ummm !.!.!. let's see!. A fictitious verbally abusive guy who leaves his wife badly bruised after sex, then gets her pregnant and tells her he wants to abort the "thing", then tells her if she aborts it, she can sleep with her best friend and get pregnant, then chews the baby out of his wife's uterus !.!.!. ummmmm !.!.!. no thanks!. He is a complete idiot and a pig!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Omg i don't care if he is a fictional character I am in love with Edward Cullen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is like my dream guy! He is so sweet and protective and loving, and he says the sweetest things <3!.!.I LOVE HIM!

TEAM EDWARDWww@QuestionHome@Com

*cough* he's not real!.!. *cough* :P

I lovee the Twilight Series and Edward's character is awesome, but I'm not in love with a character from a book!. :P I just think he's interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I suppose, if you're into the ink and paper type guy!.
I myself prefer the flesh and blood type!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not in love with fictional, abusive, controlling, sparkling characters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

umm Edward Cullen cannot hear you cause hes non-existent!.!.!.

I liked him better in my imagination!.!. I had him pictured to be a much sexier guy than who they got to play him!. So sadly, I'm not really in love with him!.


I prefer real men!.

But you go right ahead, make-out with your Twilight books!. That's as close as you'll ever get anyways, considering Ed does not EXIST!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely not me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


cuz edwards a fictional character!.!.!.!. hes not real!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well if you love him girl dont feel different just love him from who you are!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love edward soooo much, but im not IN love with him!. he's not real (unfortunately) Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I like Jacob better!.


Ah haha! I love him too! He's sweet, isn't he!? But then I realized that he was fake!.!.!. :(


ur just a weird little child!. NO EDWARD In real LIFE!!Www@QuestionHome@Com