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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I have a few questions about "Eclipse" by Stephanie Meyer

Question: I have a few questions about "Eclipse" by Stephanie Meyer
If there was one thing that could symbolize Bella, what would it be!? Originally I was thinking her truck!.!.!.kind of unique for an 18 year old!. But I'm curious as to what you all think

If Victoria is the Antagonist, what could symbolize her!?

If you could pick any five symbols to explain the plot, what would they be!?

I would really appreciate these to be answered =]
Thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Bella could be the lamb!. Well, because of Edward's famous quote, "And so the lion fell in love with the lamb!.!.!." When Bella was human, she was as weak as a lamb!.

Victoria!? I thought of a cat! Because they said that she`s like a feline right!?

Jacob-Werewolf symbol, obviously! =))

Edward-Lion symbol! See #1!.

Volturi-Italy's flag! Because they live in Volterra, Italy!.

Victoria wants to kill Bella for the death of James so she makes some newborn vampires but ends up being beheaded by Edward!. Werewolf pack helps in defeating the newborns!. The Volturi come to confront the scene and they kill a newborn vampire named Bree!. In the end, Bella asks the Cullens to vote for her immortality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree witn you
I think her truck is the most familiar symbol and identic with bella

I think victoria can be symbolized by her red hair

then 5 things to symbolized the plot!.!.
I think those are: truck, bracelet, ring, wolf, and forest's trees
if I can add 1 more that is mossWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't quite understand the question but I agree with someone before, the stereo for Bella because it's like, as one songs ends, another begins, just like the way her life is heading as she becomes much more grown up and we begin to see a new and improved Bella who is more independant and mature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For Bella: an emo!.
For Victoria: Marilyn Manson!.
For the plot: a circle, a tear, a triangle, a piece of cheese, and another circle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a symbol for bell i think could be the sterio because it is new and changing her life ( the truck ) but she rips it out because she is upset

if that made sense


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could be a firebird, or a lamb!. im not quite understandin what you are to say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com