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Question: I really need name ideas!!
okay, i'm working on a new story, and i need idea's for a guy's name!. He's tallish, pale, mysterious, and good looking with slightly emo-ish style black (or dark brown) hair!. here's my summary:

Violet Rose isn't the girl with the fancy clothes from paris, the lastest cell phone glued to her ear, or the rich preppy friends!. But she is also not that other girl sitting in the corner alone writing sad poetry!. She is someone though!. After thwarting mobsters and saving the lives of over 100 people at her school a year ago, Violet just wants to forget about that mess!. But when a new guy comes to school, strange things start to happen, and people look to Violet Rose: *** Kicker for help!. Will she be able to figure out what's going on!? Better yet, will she be able to believe what the cause of all this is!?
and i had one name!. but i am looking for something maybe with either of the letters "L" "Z" "T" or "N"

no nathan's, please!.

the name i had was Chase Adams!. maybe a variation of the name!?

thanks for those of you that have any ideas!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Go to babynamesworld!.com!. You can see the meaning and origin of the names too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Lucas, Zeal, I got nothin for T, November!.!.!. Story sounds wicked! Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alistair NoonanWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lois, tony, tom, tim, and luke thats all i can think of right nowWww@QuestionHome@Com
