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Question: Who else out there is trying to write and publish a story!?
I'm 15 and I love to read!. So I figured why not be a writer so I can make an awesome book that kids and teens and maybe adults would like to read!. So I'm already trying (keyword trying) to write a book and I was just wondering who else out there is trying to or is writing a book!. So maybe I can look for it at my closet bookstore (Walmart)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I am trying (and stuggling)!. I am 13, and want to write a book that teens can enjoy, and telate too!.

email me at librarylover321@yahoo!.com
maybe we can exchange tips, and talk about our stories to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You'll never see a struggling writer's books at Walmart!. The presses that they subscribe to are mass market writers!. Not only do some of the writers not write the book, but some of them never existed as individuals!. All the named writer did was outline the book, ghosts filled it in in-mass!. Some of the writers are actually a team of working no-name writers that write a chapter or two and then the team leader puts it together, smooths out the rough points and blends it into one book that published under a bogus name!.

What is worse, some presses have a stable of named writers and one of their stable of no-name writers writes a fairly good book!. The press then publishes it under a named writer's name pays them a few thousand for the use and the real writer gets a few thousand for their effort and the press gets the rest!. The public is handed a bogus book that they buy by author's name!.

Not all presses do this but when they want profits, any of them will do it so fast it will make your head spin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, writing a story!.
I don't think I'm going to try to get it published, if I ever decide to, until I'm older and have more time for promotions and whatnot!.
Good luck with yours ^^

(Just some advice - I don't think many people sit down and say "I'm going to write a book today!" I think it's usually the other way around!. People get a good idea, write the idea down, research settings and characters and whatnot, develop it, write it down, fall in love with it, then decide to publish it!. I've seen that kind of story on a lot of author's sites, at least!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good for you, always do what you enjoy and keep at it!. I'm writing a book right now, non-fiction however and what I do is read a lot (I have about 8 books on the go) I read for research and to learn how to write, the more challenging the book the better!.

I'm reading a book right now to help me with my writing skills and I recommend you read it, you can probably find it at a used bookstore or the library!. It's not a simple read however it's an excellent guide to help structure a story!.

The new Oxford guide to writing by Thomas S!. Kane (link below)

You really need a better reason for writing!. It isn't a "why not!?" kind of thing!. If you have a novel in you, you just KNOW it!. Start slowly!. Master the short story!. Everybody seems to think that because Christopher Paolini published a book as a teenager, they can too!. However his secret was his parents OWNED the publishing company!. As a professional author, ghostwriter and CW teacher, from your question, I don't think you are ready for a novel yet!. Practice!. Work on short stories!. Try to get some published in magazines or anthologies Work your way up to the novel!. That pattern sure worked for Stephen King!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

im also 15, i wish you luck!. i've been working on a fantasy for the past year, although i don't expect it to be published!. the important thing is to not give up, and stay true to the story!. don't change it because of the awsome new book that just came out, or because one person doesn't like it!. the story becomes a part of you, more so if it is your first, i've learn!. so many yimes i've said' what know/ what now!? i quit!' but then i hear a voice, the voice of all my characters telling me not to quit yet, to give it time!. i haven't thought up anything new in a month, but i read my 50+ pages again and again, noticing details i wrote last fall and thinking, 'hold on, i could expand this and!.!.!.'
some people are born storytellers, others learn, but most have a story inside that yearns to come out!. if you can find that story, well, you never know what happens in life, do you!?

My challenge here is to actually get the story *written*!. I can't seem to get the plot out on paper, or to get more than a few pages written!. This is very frustrating to me, so, I try not to even concieve the thought of getting my gibberish published!.
But, know that you're not alone!. Writing a good story is hard, and complicated work!. I applaud your goal of getting yours published!.
I wish you the best of luck!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I want to be published as well, I joined a free writing community called http://www!.chapteread!.com!. I think you might find it useful!. Its really easy! They have some great writing tools and posting features for getting critiques and reviews!. The other writers give helpful advice!. Maybe there is a publisher author on there that can help and give direction!. Worth checking out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a brilliant friend who is writing one!. She is only 11 but is a really good writer!. Its called "Harry Potter and the Legend of the White Wolf"!. I ts the next generation of HP books, but that's not all she's going to write!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

O Really KOOL! I'm a REALLY good writer and I'm 11 years old! I wanted to write a book I just haven't had the motivation! Good to know that I have Fellow writers out there! And do a GREAT job with that book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good luck!.

I'm only 15 and I adore reading/writing as well, but I'm not up to the challenge of writing a novel for publication just yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm 15 and I LOVE to write!. But I'm just going to get me a college degree before I start thinking I'm all boss when I don't even have a complete highschool education yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com