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Question: Everything that is innapropriate about the book "wicked"
I have hear the book wicked is very innapropriate!.
I dont have the book, and I cant get it, can you please tell me what is so innapropriate!?
what is innaproprate about the Philosophy Club!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hmmm!.!. So I read this book and enjoyed it, but there are a few parts that could be deemed inappropriate!.

The philosophy club is basically a sex/orgy club!. Yeah!.!. Really weird!. But it doesn't get explicit and it only lasts for a few pages!. Just skip through it; it adds virtually nothing to the story!.

A couple more sexual scenes are scattered throughout the book, but not much more than in most of today's fiction!.

Besides that though, Wicked really is a remarkable book that showcases Gregory Maguire's writing talent!. If you don't mind skipping a few scenes here and there (like I did) it's definitely worth the read!.


I read wicked a couple years ago and don't really remember it but i'll try and remember! I remember that there's a lot of sex in it!. Not detailed accounts but definitely an affair between Elphaba and her lover, who's married!. Um, there might be action in it too that may be innapporpriate!. i'm sorry, that's all i can remember!. It was really good and i enjoyed it!.
I never read Philosophy Club so i can't tell you anything about that one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The things that could be deemed "inappropriate" are not explicit and some things are implied!.
Although, I will say that Wicked is not a book for children under 16, it is NOT inappropriate by any means!.

I read all kinds of books and I have seen much more graphic language used in regular fiction, Wicked has nothing on them!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It has a lot of very graphic sexual content, but especially the chapter about the Philosophy Club!. If you think you're mature enough for that kind of content, then it is a fantastic book!. I read it when I was 15!. I won't go into detail about the content!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have read it, and I do not see anything inappropriatee about it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com