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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Beedle and Bard... breaking dawn... coincidence??

Question: Beedle and Bard!.!.!. breaking dawn!.!.!. coincidence!?!?
I was just thinking!.!.!. obviously all the hype surrounding breaking dawn and its release!.!.!. do you think the Harry Potter people felt the pressure and the comparisons being made against the two sagas, so allowed the pre orders of beedle and bard on the same day to remind everyone that its still around!? i was just thinking they could of announced it at any point!.!.!. but so close to their hardest competition!? !.!.!. just a thought!.!.!. i'm rambling!.!.!. xxWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I never thought of it like that!.
You definitely have a point!.
also with the Twilight film being released two weeks after the new Harry Potter, there could be a clash there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought that too, it's just like when she announced Dumbledore is gay, just for attention!. They want everyone to remember Harry (Like it's so hard, with three more movies coming out) so they published the Beedle the Bard book!. I knew they were going to, so did my mom!. She just told me to wait and not read Amazon's reviews!.
I bet Beedle won't sell as many copies as Deathly Hallows, not everyone is interested in it, though I am!. Breaking Dawn is so different than Harry Potter, it won't be that famous in five years, when the Breaking Dawn movie comes out!. People will see it, the end!. But with Harry!.!.!.there is so much we don't know about the universe it is set in, the story never ends there!.
And there is a Harry Potter Encyclopedia coming out in about 4 years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight will sort of be like have die hard fans in 5 years, but harry potter will have them for a much longer time!.
Because twilight just ends happy blah blah blah!.
its over and finsihed!.
But with Harry potter you can imagine things happening!.
Twilight might survive a bit longer than the others, just because it is brill ant!.
But harry potter will be able to be related to for many years to come!.
For now My choice is Twilight first then Harry Potter, but I think that might change with time when we get ove Edward and Jacob and move on to our next fiction boy craze!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was announced that beedle the bard would be out in december!. This was announced on 31st July as it marked J!.K Rowlings Birthday and Harry Potter also shares his birthday on 31st July!.
Makes sense really to announce it on harrys/J!.K's BirthdayWww@QuestionHome@Com

In a year, Twilight will be forgotten!.
If they think Harry Potter's going to be forgotten that fast, they're ridiculous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I doubt it!. I never even heard of Breaking Dawn or it's series until a couple days before it came out!.


dunno maybe!.!.!.Twilight and Harry Potter are pretty big competetors though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have no idea what Breaking Dawn or Twilight are!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com