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Question: Should I Consider Writing!?
I'm 16 years of age and I've just finished my GCSE's at school!. Over the past two years, I've noticed that my ability to write has dramatically improved and I feel I possess a talent in this area!. My teacher was a big help to me and she claims that I have a sophisticated style of writing!. I have loads of adventurous ideas in my head and I really enjoy writing stories!. Should I consider becoming an author or does the world have enough of them at minute!? Are there too many youngsters considering a career path in writing!? also, is it the right industry to get into!? I've heard that it's really difficult to become an author but I'm really passionate about writing!. Would publishing companies even consider publishing a book witten by someone so young!?

I also want to try and encourage children and students to read because it's an area that's been struggling for a while in society, especially here in England!. For example, when I go on Myspace and look around the profiles of people I know, I notice that they normally put things like "Don't Read", "You Must Be Kidding" and "You're Joking, Right!?" where it says "Books" under interests!. Yet when our class had to read books as part of a task or project, I could tell that people thoroughly enjoyed it!. It just shows a contrast of emotions because youngsters enjoy reading yet they don't want to admit it to their friends as they might think they're 'uncool'!. I do feel very strongly about the world of writing as you can see!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you're passionate about writing, you will write!. The very fact you have to stop and consider it makes me wonder if you really have that passion, though!. If you're passionate, why aren't you writing in your spare time already!? Passion is the only reason to write (fiction), because there's never any guarantee you'll be able to make a career of it - that comes entirely down to talent, dedication, and luck!.
Good luck, whatever you do! x

That's great - if you want to write, go for it!. It's really rewarding and great fun!.
I think I can see what's been putting you off!. Lots of beginning writers feel that they must write full and complete novels worthy of publishing from the word go!. This is not the case!. It can take years of practice to become a great writer, just like it takes years of practice to be a great piano player or dancer of chef!. Don't set yourself unrealistic targets - just write, whether it's a novel or a short story or just a scene that pops into your head and doesn't go anywhere!. Write even if it's rubbish - at least you're learning what DOESN'T work on the page, and you can go back and clean it up later!. It's all practice!. Relax and enjoy the learning experience!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Writing is a labor of love so if you enjoy doing it then by all means go for it!. As for getting children and young adults to read and write maybe you should see if their are any non-profit organizations that promote literacy for children and young adults in your area that you could work or volunteer for!. If not, then start one up yourself!.

Keep Reading!.!.!.and Writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It seems like you have a passion for writing and a true talent also!. Always know that you can do whatever you set your heart and mind to accomplish!. Inspiring other is a bonus!. I wish you the best of luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course you should write! I would really like to be an author myself, but I know that I don't have the motivation, or that special spark that makes a person's writing brilliant!. It's great that you have a lot of ideas! And definitely write them all down!You sound like a really intelligent person, and I agree with you that not enough people read!.!.!.every parent in the universe should read to their kids when they're young, and teach them to really love reading!. I can't imagine NOT loving to read!. Plus, it gives you the ability to write!. I'd like an opinion on something I'm writing, if you don't mind!.!.!. http://answers!.yahoo!.com/question/index;!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as for putting the dots over the letters, im 13!. i find that writing a book is like directing a movie and it gives me great pleasure; and when i got inspiration and charectars locked up in my head i felt i needed to write them down before they were lost and never found again!. i mean im 13 and ive experienced what most ppl experience in a lifetime since im a diplomats daughter its all about moving over the globe!. so i just wrote and am writing i hope i will be done at 16 and after finding editors and publishers and all that ill be an adult and everything i had written in the last 3 years will be polished so i think you should TOTALLY go for it and i know exactly what your feeling- and yet again by the time your done you will be taken seriously!.

gd luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my opinion, there can never be enough authors in the world!. Everyone has their own unique voice and way of expressing their ideas, and there's no reason why yours should be any less valid than anyone else!. Very young people have published excellent novels in the recent past and your age certainly shouldn't be seen as a obstacle!.

However, becoming a professional writer is one of the most difficult challenges any person can undertake and is not something that should be considered as a simple 'career choice'!. Yes, you may have talent, you even be exceptionally gifted, but unless you are absolutely committed to the dream of becoming a published author - you will not succeed!.

You are only 16 years old and what your teacher considers to be a sophisticated style of writing may simply be that - a sophisticated style for a 16 year old!. So before you go making any decisions, why not ask a few less interested parties their opinions of your work!.

If there is a writers' group near you or a workshop you might attend, you could gain some valuable feedback there!. Failing that, you might want to send a few examples of your writing to a sympathetic publishing house or agent who specialises in unsolicited manuscripts (see the Writer's and Artist's Yearbook 2008 for details)!.

And very good luck to you!. You'll need it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel the same way you do about reading and writing!. Your right!. To test my writing abilities and to seek help I joined a writing community called http://www!.chapteread!.com!. I think you might find it useful!. They have some great writing tools and posting features for getting critiques and reviews!. The other writers give helpful advice!. Worth checking out! It's a great way to introduce yourself into writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com