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I was looking around and it seems that quite a lot of people hated Breaking Dawn!. Maybe the plot in itself wasn't' that exciting but it was (in my opinion) great and a beautiful ending!. What do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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to be honest!.!.!.!. Breaking dawn was amazing!! it was so not expected and that's what i love about it !!! Stephenie Meyer did a great job! i couldn't put it down and i keep reading it over and over again!! i suppose others have different views but for me it was the best it could get !!! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't understand how people could HATE the book!. I mean, seriously! Think about the pressure SM had on her! A heck of a lot of people were excited to get the book; she could not have made every single person happy unless she wrote 1000 different stories, right!?
-sigh- I think people need to cut some slack for SM!. She wrote the story the way she saw it!. I personally liked the book a lot; somethings could have been changed, altered, taken out altogether, other things could have been added!. But overall, I was happy with the book!. And the cover, in my opinion, was beautiful :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

There were parts I disliked simply because it was so unpredictable in many places and completely different to what I thought would happen!.

I actually loved the whole series!. Every book was amazing in it's own way!. Breaking Dawn was expected to be amazing, but I don't think any book can live up to everyones expectations!.

Personally, I was pleased with it and thought the ending was perfect!. It gave us the chance to be happy for Jacob (poor Jake in Eclipse) and be relieved that Edward an Bella were still together!. Thank goodness neither of them died!

Overall, I thought it was awesome and perfect!. Go Stephanie!

Bring on the movie and Midnight Sun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't really hate the book, but i seriously disliked parts of it!. I kind of felt like the author was pushing a kid on Bella because she is personally happy being a mother!. How could it be physically possible for Edward to have a kid!? A good story makes you suspend your disbelief, and the first two Twilight books did this for me, but the second two books just had me dwelling in the impossibilities of the whole vampire/werewolf things!. I think the publicity and everything just really got to Meyer's head!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know why people hate Breaking Dawn!. I personally think the book was brilliant - everything turned out perfect!. I read it quite fast and couldn't put it down!

I'm gonna read it again and again!. I know people have different opinions and thats fine - but I think the book was great!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

at first i was PISSED that jake imprinte don nessie but im ok now!. i liked the book!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com