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Position:Home>Books & Authors> When introducing a character, should you tell of their life first?

Question: When introducing a character, should you tell of their life first!?
I mean, I want to write but I dont know the best way to introduce a chararcter!. Any tips!? thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Basically try to put them in a situation when you are describing their characteristics so that we get to not only get introduced to a character but we get to know more about them like for an example:

"Tina Brachosky was walking down the library bookshelves when she ran into the stern, young librarian!. Tina, whom fears the opposite sex, instantly felt a hot burning feeling on her face and tried to mutter an apology when the young librarian, uttered an agitated sigh!. Tina looked away and grabbed the books that had fallen to the floor!. She couldn't get herself to view the young, attractive librarian and walked as fast as she could in her old mary jane pumps and black plastic glasses!."

I didnt have to tell you the Tina's whole life story for you to know that she is timid and perhaps crushing on the young librarian!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

As the writer you will write a full character but as the reader we don't usually need every tidbit of the character's life!. But really it depends on what kind of story you are telling!. Some stories require more character background than others!. If the story requires more you can reveal the pieces bit by bit, through flashbacks, through an immediate introduction (but that's tricky) or some other way!. Use your judgment!

I think you should reveal your character little by little in your story!. By this I mean like if there was a problem that one of your characters didn't agree with another character another character can open the can of worms of why that character is so antagonistic about that subject!. A very great example: in Harry Potter, Harry ask dumbledore why Severus Snape was acting the way he was to harry!. ( I hope you read those books, if not I apologize for spoiling it a bit!) :) good luck on your story! I hope you can let me know when that story done, I want to read it! ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Would you do that every time you introduced a new character!? That'd make a really boring history book lol!.!.!.!.try instead, revealing a bit about the new character at first!.!.!.you don;t need much, and then using the rest of the book to reveal the depth of he new character's personality!.!.!.you'll also find that what the character does throughout the story contributes to a reader's understanding of who that character is!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well you can and you dont have to!. Usually books do introduce characters!. Maybe they introduce characters and their life right instantly in the beginning of the book, or they explain it on the way of the story's!. I also have a hard time explaining characters!. Try using both ways in different stories!. That would be better practising!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, just tell the immediate details eg how they look, what they are wearing etc!.
Its more interesting to read a book when the character's life story is revealed gradually, you know!?
Its also more fun to write!.
But just imagine trying to read something like "so and so walked up!. she was 15 years old, and went to the local high school!. She moved to a new home when she was 8, because her dad got a new job!.!.!.blah blah blah" wouldn't it be boring!? try thinking from the perspective of the reader, and what will capture their interest!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of the best ways is to learn from others!. Go to your library and a have a look at the way other authors have done this!. Books by popular authors such as Cristie, Drummond, Doyle are a few that come to mind!. See how they do it!. Quite often authors will vary the way this is done!. The wonderful thing about writing is that you are in control, you decide how best you wish to organise your writing!. Good luck with your book!. When it is ready you will be able to publish it yourself if you wish!. I have done this on the Internet!. Link below!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What to tell of their life!.!.!. well, if you have a first person POV, only show what is known!. Unless providing commentary, do not say anything about their parents if the fact is unknown to your charachter!. You dont really need commentary on people's home lives unless they really really affect their personality!. Start with their looks!. Dont be too specific, allow the reader to mold them in their mind's eye!. Dont describe personality, allow the reader to infer based on what they do or say what kind of person they are!.
Good luck and have fun!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not usually!. The reader doesn't need a history lesson!. It's fine to give a little bit of background, when it's pertinent, but only the important information!. You can fill in other bits and pieces along the way!.

For example, when you pick up a Harry Potter book, you don't know much about his parents, execpt the fact that they are dead!. Over the course of the series, you learn more about them!. And, we don't know how Harry celebrated his 5th birthday!.!.!.because it's not important!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I highly recomend these books!. They will answer all your questions on writing a novel
The Writing Book by Kate Grenville
Writing From Start To Finish by Kate Grenville
On Writing by Stephen King
The New Oxford Guide To Writing by Thomas S Kane
Writing Tools by Roy Peter Clark
Develop characters and everything about them before you start to avoid making mistakes, you can refer to your notes as you go!. Read as much as you can on writing a novel!. All your answers are out there and there is heaps of books to choose from!. Amazon!.com will give you the best rated writing books and reviewsWww@QuestionHome@Com

That would be an info dump, and info dumps are bad!.

You can say little things, but we don't need their entire life story within the first page that they're introduced!. Have the reader learn about them in small snippets throughout the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At the beginning of the book you want to draw the reader in, not bore them to tears!.
Give facts about the characters life as you go further into the book, when the reader is already hooked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com