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Question: Need Help with Book Idea!?
I need help on deciding on which idea to use in a book i've been wanting to write for awhile (I actualy wrote to about 40 pgs but it got erased *sniff*) but now that I've been thinking about my ideas have changed!.
It's mainly about a girl that has gone through genetic engineering, gene's mixed in with a differnt animal species (dont really want to get into detail about it, and I know sounds kinda lame but I've got some good ideas)
When I first wrote the 40 pg thing, the girl had been in a program for being put into experiments (kinda like an orphanage!.!.!.!.but for experiments!.!.!.) but now I think I want her to be experimented (whatever) when she's at a young age since a certain stem cell I think is needed for restructing organs (and yada yada) and I dont think doing that in your teen years is possible!? or maybe of being in a man-made wound like being created with the two-genes already combined or something like that
And I had her mixed with bird genes (kinda like an angel!.!.!.) but I dont know about that anymore!. So I dont know which gene's would work!. Got any exciting idea!? Like what characteristic would come with the gene!?
I know that this seems kinda like a dumb book idea and kinda amateur, ha! But I cant get into detail on here so it sounds wierd lol!. So what idea's sound better!? Or what would you think be a good idea (or whatever)!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To hold my interest I would go with the orphanage idea!. I think it is more plausible, and she'd had gone through a rough time being in an orphanage, and with being experimented on it will make her more determined and strong willed!. this would hold my interest!. but the story has to come from within you!. Start to write and let the characters tell you where they want to go!. Writing is like watching a movie in your head and you [the author] is writing it down!.

I joined a writing community called http://www!.chapteread!.com!. I think you might find it useful!. They have a private writing area where you can organize your writings and its really easy! [you don;t have to post if you don't want to ] They have some great writing tools and posting features for getting critiques and reviews!. The other writers give helpful advice!. Worth checking out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds a lot like Maximum Ride by James Patterson!. Have you by chance read it because-to be brutally honest-it sounds like the same thing!.!.!.except without the flock!.Www@QuestionHome@Com