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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Who would be a good male model or actor to portray Draco Malfoy?

Question: Who would be a good male model or actor to portray Draco Malfoy!?
Im making a banner and I dont want to use Tom Felton (not because I dont love him), I just want someone older for my fanfcition story!?

Does anybody know any gorgrous blonde guys that would fit the bill as Draco Malfoy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The idea of using Aaron Carter ruins all my fangirl fantasies!. lol!.
What about Jeremy Dufour!? He's gorgeous!.

I think Ryan Phillippe (i!.e!., Reece Witherspoon's ex-husband; lead actor in Cruel Intentions, I know what you did last summer, Crash!.!.!.) would play a subperb Draco Malfoy!. I say this not just because of his appearance, which is totally awesome, but more so because I think he would do really great in that role!. Based on the type of characters I've seen him portray in his movies and his performance of those characters, I think he would take the character of Draco Malfoy to a whole new level, a more fully developed one!. also, he is older than Tom Felton, which is something you said you were looking for!.!.!.he's around 32 years old!.

For your viewing pleasure, check him out on the link I have provided below!. (And, just to let you know, the images provided are suitable for all ages; I didn't see any that were offensive or improper!.!.!.so you should be able to use them on your banner if you decide to!. Anyway, good luck with your project and have fun with it!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it depends on at what age you want to portray Malfoy!.
Because Macauley Caulkin played an awesome bad boy in The Good Son when he was like, 10!. But the kid from Saved By The Bell would be a different type of Malfoy in his teen years!.

Don't get stuck on the 'blonde' thing!. Hair dye has been invented!.

also, consider this, JK never said that Malfoy was white kid!. She only said that his hair was fair!. Have you seen Sisqo!? How fantastic it would be if you made Malfoy and Albino Chinese kid!?!
(I've seen them!. They exist!. Are gorgeous people!. And have fair hair!)

Right now i'm thinking Toby Hemingway, especially from his role as Reid Garwin from 'The covenant'!.

?Graceful Little Alice?Www@QuestionHome@Com

When reading the HP books I always pictured Draco as a young Kiefer Sutherland!. Like from his Stand By Me days or The Lost Boys!.

Here's a pic: http://www!.movieactors!.com/actors/kiefer!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One of the Brewer twins!?


Aaron Carter, both so evil, both so blonde lol


Um the first person that came to my mind when I see him is Aaron Carter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com