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Question: What's different in The Gunslinger revised edition
I heard Stephen King revised the first book of his Dark Tower series!. Having read the first book years ago, I am interested in what he changed!? It was my favorite book in the series!. Worth rereading!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Nothing major was changed - the tale and the characters are the same!. Most of the revisions were to clear up some things, such as the town of Farson being changed (because of the character with the same name) to Taunton during the flashback with Hax the cook!. A scene where Roland is reading a magazine in Tull is removed and placed in The Drawing of the Three, due to the scarcity of paper in his world!. Anything called the "Beast" was removed to be replaced with Crimson King!. There is more foreshadowing peppered throughout the revised version as well!. "Blue Heaven" and "Algul Siento", terms that are revealed in the final books are mentioned, as are the Taheen creatures!. The biggest change is the fate of the Man in Black, but I don't want to spoil it for you, in case you do read it, but it has a lot to do with his many aliases!.

There is also a new introduction, called "On Being Nineteen (And A Few Other Things)!." It really is worth re-reading, if not for the revisions (there are 35 extra pages in all), then to experience the book again!. I started re-reading the series last month and it made me realize how much I missed it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Usually he adds a new foreword!.He did that with Blaze!. Not sure he actually changed the text!. Pax-C Www@QuestionHome@Com