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Question: Breaking Dawn !.!.!. only answer if you have finished!
Did it seem like Stephenie Meyer tried too hard to give everyone a happy ending!?!? With Jacob imprinting on Renessmee, no fight with the Volturi or another enemy!. No one having to make a choice about life and death, love, etc!. Just in general, what are your thoughts!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think she took the easy way out!. The baby just solved EVERYTHING!. No action from the Volturi (and this is one of the most disappointing part since everything was suppose to build UP to this occasion)!.!.!.and yes, no one was faced with making difficult realistic decisions about life, death, love, etc!. I think, in general, this book needed to be PLANNED out a lot better!. Some people are saying "there was no plot" and I have to agree to an extent!. It was just a bunch of big events mashed up together, with the climax feeling SOO anti climatic!.!.!.yea!. In general!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First off i loved the ending!. BUT!. I know this sounds slightly morbid, i just think if Bella and Edward had died it would have shown a clear message that they would die for each other!. I don't know why i would have liked that, i mean i loved the ending Meyer gave but it if all wasn't so!.!.!.perfect, but showed their love was so strong it would carry on with them to the afterlife i would have liked that!. I liked that Jacob imprinted on Renesme though, i'm glad he was happy at the end but it seems like he was too happy, like that situation with Edward and Jacob was too perfect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmm well it does seem that way, she knew that if jacob didn't imprint then the jacob fans would be upset, if bella and edward didn't marry then edward fans would be upset!.!.!.!.so i guess she set out to make everyone happy, it was a pretty good book, although i really did want a fight with the voulturi, the book needed the action, and i thought that edward and renesme relation could have been a bit more father daughter kind of!.!.!.!.oh well all in all the book was good and i know that i cannot except everything to happen my way!.!.!.!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I couldn't take it seriously- well, as seriously as you can take a vampire book, that is!. My friend told me that Bella got pregnant and I thought she was lying!. Sad part is- she wasn't!. I think that maybe Stephenie forced it, maybe!? I don't know!.!.!. but if this is what Stephenie said she'd been "planning from the beginning" then I'm not sure what I think of her now, as a writer!. It seriously felt like reading a 12 year old's fan fiction story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i loved it!!!!! as a matter of fact, i thought it was a perfect ending to the series!. i was hoping for a fight of some sort with the volturi, but i was happy with jake imprinting on renesmee!.

cant wait for the movie!!


I loved the book! I was happy that everyone had a happy ending! But then again I love the fairytale endings!. It gives me hope that maybe someday I will get my happily ever after!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I totally agree with you!! The ending was way too happy! The Volturi shouldn't have been so nice! I didn't like that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee!I agree with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well i loved it!.!. I Was disappointed when Jacob imprinted On Renesmee But either then that i think the ending was perfect! They all were some sort of a happy family!.!. =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

yh it kinda did!.!.wierd Www@QuestionHome@Com