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Question: Whats a good boarding school name!?
I'm writing a novel!.
and I cant seem to think of a good Boarding school name!.
Its a really nice one!. and expensive to get into!.

anyone know any good names!?

it would be: ______ academy!.

thanks : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
expensive boarding school sound better if they are in new england, like maine or vermont!.

How about Brighton Academy!.!. Or The Chattam School for girls (or boys) depending on you story!.!.


Sheffield Academy

Windsor Academy

Rockwood Academy

Lansdale Academy

Ambler Academy

Kingston Academy

Or use someone's name, like it was named after the founder of the school, something like, 'The Robert Hall Academy'!.

Best of luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Clinlox Acadamey, Flora Hill Academy, Epson Academy, Patel AcademyWww@QuestionHome@Com