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Question: Another Great Expectations question!!
When Miss Havisham tells Pip "You made your own snares," she was talking to Pip and also herself!. What has Miss Havisham recently realized!?

this is a question that is in the summer homework packet i have and i can't find the answer!. the quote is from chapter 44!.

please help me!!!! this is one of the last questions i have in this packet!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's actually Pip who has found out who his real benefactor is!. He goes to be with Estella and to confront Miss Havisham!. I don't believe Miss Havisham realizes just what she's done to Estella until the end of the visit, though perhaps she has already started to get an inkling of it!. She also must have just found out Estella was to marry Drummle!.

One thing Pip actually tells her is that her plan to have Estella break Pip's heart has worked very well!.

After that, Pip is basically accusing Miss Havisham of leading him on; allowing him to believe she was his mysterious benefactor!. She did this to both delude him and to punish her relatives who wanted her money!.

Pip lets her know that both Matthew and Herbert Pocket are not like her other relatives!. (This is a second thing she learns in this visit!.) She realizes he is telling the truth and asks Pip what he wants her to do for them & he tells her!.

By the end of this visit, Miss Havisham has her hand over her heart and is giving Pip a look of both pity and remorse!. Therefore, this visit has made her realize what she has done to both Pip and Estella, made her realize that Estella is heartless and Pip is worthy, made her realize that two members of her family (Herbert & Matthew Pocket) are honorable and not trying to get her money!.

If you want to search for more words and phrases in the story, you can check http://www!.online-literature!.com/dickens!.!.!. The Literature Network, which allows such searches!.

I hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com