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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I don't get a tale of two cities at ALL. Should I watch the movie first then

Question: I don't get a tale of two cities at ALL!. Should I watch the movie first then try to read the book!?
For AP english!. I'm not the type who just watches the movies, i gotta read the book!. Movies leave out a lot and I like books better!. But I cant understand the book!. So Should I watch the movie first!?Will it help!?thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Personally, the first thing I would do is read all the information on Yahoo Education http://education!.yahoo!.com/homework_help!.!.!. - they have excellent information about the story, chapter summaries and explanations!. I think this will help you understand the story!. If this doesn't do it, believe it or not, Wikipedia http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/A_tale_of_t!.!.!. has some good information as does http://www!.sparknotes!.com/lit/twocities/ Sparknotes!.

Not all movies are created equal!. :) Truly, you have to be careful viewing a movie, because sometimes they change things!. The BBC is usually (operative word being usually) good at keeping true to the storyline, and they made a mini-series of A Tale of Two Cities in 1980!. I haven't seen this particular version, however, so I'm not sure how close this is to the story!. If you want to watch a movie instead, I'd recommend the 1935 Ronald Colman version!. Though I like Dirk Bogarde, I think the 1935 version is a bit better than the 1958 one!. Watching one may help you understand the general overview of the story!.

I hope this helps you to understand and appreciate this story!. It's a great novel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go find and watch the 30 minute wishbone version, then try the movie, then try the cliff notes, then the book again!. Or any combination of these that appeals to you, personally I like wishbone ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com