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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Dont u think that all the questions about twilight are a little annoying?READ TH

Question: Dont u think that all the questions about twilight are a little annoying!?READ THE DETAILS FIRST!!!!
dont get me wrong, twilight is a FANTASTIC AWESOME AMAZING series!!! its just that all the other questions about books are getting ignored just because people are posting the same question over and over again!. i mean i hav asked a lot of questions about book that arent about the twilight saga, and i haave got NO answers!. its kinda pissing actually!. so just tell me what u think!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I seriously love the Twilight series!. I think Stephenie Meyer is an amazing author!. I am getting annoyed though with all the questions!. I have begun to ignore the Books&Authors section to answer questions just because I get so annoyed with all the Twilight questions!. I do not even know why I do I just do!. I don't want anyone to get mad at me about it but I agree it can get annoying!. I reccomend people should "discover" their question before asking it!. If the question you have is not in the discover section then go ahead and ask it!. I seriously love Twilight and I don't want people to get mad at me over this but I do agree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's quite funny that you are complaining about the Twilight questions by asking another Twilight question!. A little counterproductive I must say!.

I personally think they are horrible books and I do find the questions annoying, but what can you do!.
It'll die down eventually!.
Fads come and go!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm definitely a fan, but the excessive questions are annoying!. It would be better if fans would either go to a fansite or look their questions up rather than wasting five points to ask it!. And, it just puts a bad name out there for the rest of us fans who are't squealing annoying fangirls!.


I can get your point!. But I must say : I don't read english books except for Twilight, The Host or Harry Potter so if there weren't Twilight questions I wouldn't be here at all!. But I can understand what you are saying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well also the questions about questions about the Twilight series are annoying!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, but they have died down significantly!.

Do you know how many people have asked THIS question!? It's almost as annoying as the "OMG! What did you think of Breaking Dawn!?!" questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think if there wasn't any Twilight questions books and Authors would be i don't know!.!. Empty!? lol But yeah i agree with you! =) Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love the series!.

and you just asked
ANOTHER question about it!.!.

i love it too but I'm tired of people asking the same questions too Www@QuestionHome@Com