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Question: The twilight seriess!?!? sad!.!. help!?!?
is anyone else sad that the twilight series ended!?!? Lolz i feel like crying!. its just that i was so drawn into the story and it feels like edward and bella are real people and i feel like reading and knowing what they are up to tomorrow, and so on and so on!. Does anyone else feel the same way!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ha yeah its deff a bad feeling, i hate knowing i wont be able to know what happens to them after this!.!. Even though they are just characters in a book, they seem like so much moreWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm sad that it existed at all!. I know this will get me flamed like crazy but here I go!.

Twilight is not a good series!. It isn't!. It promotes sexism, misogyny, abuse (emotional AND in Breaking Dawn physical), pedophilia, it sends a terrible message to young girls!. Bella doesn't do a single thing that doesn't revolve around Edward!. The prose is ultraviolet, the characters couldn't have been more flat if Stephenie Meyer had used a leveler and the plot felt so neglected it ran through the Vatican naked just so people could know it existed, and even then it just got lightly scolded and brushed under the rug!.

I get terrified when I think that young girls actually see these books as a model for relationships!.


I'm sad because I feel like she didn't tie everything up!. There's hanging threads and she just acts like they aren't there!.
Seriously, the last sentence was horrid: "And we continued blissfully into our perfect little piece of forever" or something like that!.


What happens to the baby!? Jacob!? The Cullens!? Nahuel!? Bella!? Eddie!? Do they go to college!? High school!?

I feel so unfulfilled and empty, it made me really angry!. She seemed to get bored of the book and just end it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haha, might I suggest reading fanfiction!?
You could try these sites:

Those are just a few!. You can google "Twilight fanfiction sites" and come up with bunches, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The story wasn't sad!.
It was pathetic!.
"We have Forever, and forever, and forever!."
"And we continued blissfully into our small but perfect piece of our forever"
or something like that but still how CORNY!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haha yes!
I feel like they are real people and wish that they were my neighbors!
Once I finished I was like "I wonder what their doing right now!?", "How big did Renesmee get!?", "What are they doing tomorrow!?"

yea!.!.!. : * (

Check out my twilight fan site!

Yea, well she said she was planning on writing more books based on them!. So i'm sure more will come soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No I'm not sad!. I'm glad it's over!. I'll cry if it keeps going!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i wish we would have had an epilogue or somethingWww@QuestionHome@Com