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Question: Do you recommend the twilight series!?
how was your experience with it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
you'll get so many answers spanning the entire rainbow your head will be spinning!.

personally, i didn't found it ok on my first read, awful the second, especially after reading some of the comments here and seeing how right they were!.

i have to warn you, it's rather mushy and badly characterized, as well as repetitive!. it also has an awful message to readers, especially to the young woman who ironically idolize the series!. idolize isn't even a strong enough word for some of these twilight fans!. it's almost frightening!.

but anyway, only you would know what you like, so read a summary, and worse case scenario, you waste a week or so of your life reading the books!.

but to really answer your question, no i do not recommend it at all!. might i recommend lord of the rings!? (now that's one book i'm obsessed with)


Guys may not like it as much as girls!. You have to read more than half way through the book to get the adventure going!. All the guys who read the series usually read it so they can stick around for the info about the vampires and the action that comes along with it!. It's overall a good read for guys and a great read for girls!. I say give it a chance and see how it turns out!. If you like it read the rest of the series!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look, I'm a girl and even I found Twilight horribly over dramatic!. The main character refers to the love interest as "an angel" at least once every chapter!. If you feel that you can stomach this (I did, and there were parts of the book that I genuinely enjoyed, I'm not here to say it was completely horrible, just terribly romantic) then go for it!. also be warned it is a very addicting book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I recommend the series to girls who read for fun and won't take the books too seriously because Meyer doesn't follow her own rules!. Like, for instance, she says that vampires don't go to toilet and only drink blood to keep themselves going!. In other words, they don't have bodily fluids!. And yet, in the last book, she throws that rule down the drain and makes up some other rule that contradicts the first one and !.!.!. well!.!.!. the series is just one long fairytale!.

Awful messages -

1!. You gotta be gorgeous to live happily ever after (I wouldn't say that's awful though!.!.!.its just!.!.!.not right, in a way)!.

2!. That you can't live without your other half!. Your lover dies!? Go kill youself (not a very good thing to tell teenage girls)!.

3!. If you love someone, you'll do anything to make them happy even if it kills them!.

4!. Love at first sight (more like lust)!.

Even though I don't like Meyer's style of writing or her flat characters, I actually enjoyed the books!. They were captivating and reminded me of why I read fantasy books in the first place, 'Because its fun and it doesn't need to make sense!.' So I recommend the series to everyone who goes by that too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I loved the first three books, and the fourth was okay!. Overall i'd recommend it , I know a lot of guys who read them now (and we're all almost 18, haha)!. The action doesnt hit really till the end, which is why it is such a good read for girls!. It's fun though, good for some light fare!.

I would say the bad message is the emphasis on how Bella needs Edward, and abandons wanting to go to college or live for herself in pursuit of him, hah!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES i recomend it!.

I love it!. I thought it was wonderfully written and a great plot that I enjoyed alot!.

It is but I'd say a guy could enjoy it too!. I mean it never really had anything to "girl" for a guy to be embaressed about!.

Some people may not like a vampire falling in love woth a human and then changing which doesn't happen to till the 4 book but I thought it was gensis!. Otherwise I have no idea what the awful meaning of it is!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm!.!.!. Good question!. I enjoyed the series because I absolutely fell in love with some of the characters!. However, I don't think Stephenie Meyer is a good author!.

So, if you're looking for something to read out of boredom, then yes!. If you're reading to improve your writing abilities and vocabulary, then no!.

The first 3 books were okay!. Breaking Dawn was horrible and grotesque!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know all sorts of guys who have read it!. They like it, but it's harder for them to relate to the characters, because, yes, it is more of a female drama!. It's still good and quite easy to get obsessed over, but the mushiness really can get to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read the 1st chapter, and it was so poorly written that I quit!.
I can't believe the HYPE about this garbage!
It is nothing more than a fad for tweens!.!.!.fans of this book are probably rabid JoBros fans, too!. Thank God that your taste becomes reliable after age 20!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I do, and it is geared towards females, BUT I think it's a good read for anybody!. I absolutely fell in love with them, I've always loved Vampires but it really wasn't my kind of book!.!.!.but I was shocked at how much it can suck you in!.!.!.they are amazing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes i think it is a little more meant for girls!. i loved it and i totally recommend it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please don't!. I loved Twilight until I read Breaking Dawn- in which, by the end, I almost killed myself!. Don't submit yourself to that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I absolutely recommend the twilight!. If think that you will not like it, go to the library and take them out from there!. All 4 books are great as well as her other book the host!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, they were fantastic but be prepared to become hooked to them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. It's complete trash!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I do not recommend the Twilight Series!. At all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i do!.

i loved it!.