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Position:Home>Books & Authors> CAN YOU TELL ME IF IM A GOOD AUTHOR!!

The sound of the soles tapping came closer, echoing down the corridor!. Like a tap dancing show only of tune!. Holding his body upright against the wall, every muscle tensed in his body!. The sound of leather rebounding marble came closer and closer untill it stopped!. This show was almost at an end!. Parker gripped the Handle of the 38!. and aimed it at waist level!. Don't lose your head Parky, get outta this and you're a rich man!. The thought in the midst cocking the trigger back trying to make as little noise as possible!. A Sudden bash and click, the door slammed open solid wood rebounded of the wall two ape like men swung through!. Loud gunshots and smoke spiralling into the air in coils!. Two big men on the floor blood trickling from the foreheads!. The smoke was now disapearing into thin air!. Both mens Eyes where wide, faces pallid!. Parker stepped over them tugging handguns from brown leather holsters!. The silk jackets left wide open
the puddle of bed now dark red!. Gleaming on the marble!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I really liked the story, and the pacing was good!. I think it shows a lot of potential, especially given your age!.

Firstly, I'd say, always make sure you proof read everything at least twice before posting it on a website/sending it to be published!. With longer works, it helps to put the story away for a week, forget about it, and then reread it afresh later!.

also, you may want to read up or remind yourself about grammar!. You've used capital letters in the middle of sentences, where the word isn't a noun, so this needs revising!. also correct spelling and remember to use apostrophes - 's means belongs to, no apostrophe means plural!. A good example to show what I mean is the phrase above "Both mens Eyes where wide", which should be "Both men's eyes were wide"!.

I really like this, and think, with revision, it would make the good opening to a story!. I'm already intrigued about how this will make Parker a rich man!.

Maybe when it's finished, you could post it on your blog or maybe on a site like http://www!.abctales!.com or http://www!.fictionpress!.com/ !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your story might be a better read for us if you had concentrated heavily on good punctuation, paragraphing, and proper capitalization!. You have the opportunity to learn much in English composition in school, so take all the courses afforded you!.

You have a way to go before someone could say that you write well!. There exists a difference of being a good author!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

didn't work for me!. so i have to say: no!. you're not a good author!. and sorry, i'm not being harsh, i'm giving an honest non-sugar coated opinion!. but if you do want to be an author, get used to harsh comments, your age doesn't make a bit of difference!. it's either good or bad!. and i found this selection to be pretty bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, damn them, huh!. You are a good author with plenty of potential, and every good author needs to correct some grammar somewhere!. No one is perfect, and so your commenters aren't either!. I believe you can strive towards your dream!. BTW, I'm 13 too! Well, strive towards what you're passionate to!. And you'll achieve!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly, you could do with some more practice!.
But every writer needs a lot of practice before they can become great - it's the best way to learn!. You obviously have good ideas and can visualise scenes very powerfully!. That's a great start!
Good luck xWww@QuestionHome@Com

well we don't really know the plot of what you're writing about and what's going on, but i think there's something there!

just keep practicing, you've got time - and potential!.


Definitely seeing some potential there!. Like any work of prose it will require some editing, but definitely some talent there!. Keep it up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gosh you must be really good,
I didn't understand it but that's probably down to me being thick!


I cannot tell you you are a good author I'm afraid as it would be a lieWww@QuestionHome@Com

It is one kind of writing (fiction it seems), and with such a limited sample we can only see a small part, and you are being somewhat formulaic; So you will need to develop different formulas of writing, you may have them, but what is present is limited for attempting to judge!. Age is not the issue at all, some prodegies quit their dominant talent when they are yong, and some like gradma Moses didn't start to develop a certain talent until (in this case) when she was eighty, and then became world famous in her accomplishments in art!.

There are different types of writing, to be a good writer you should do well in at least 3 different kinds of writing!.

I like William F!. Buckley's "Blackford Oaks" series of spy novels!.

I am not one to judge the degree of your writing ability!.

But most importantly great writers are those who have great life experience!. You have to find what your goals are!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

The quality of an author is like the quality of a professional athlete, or any other professional -- difficult to gauge over a career, impossible to gauge in a moment or two!.
So, really, no one can give you an answer that's an answer -- except you!. But I'm going to try to give you a grown-up answer!.

Can you stay it long enough to learn your craft well enough to do high-quality work!? To learn and practice good grammar and style!? Even when it's tough and lonely!? Even when people are mean!? It's pretty easy to become a writer -- the challenge is to stay a writer, creating, improving and polishing!.
I will say you have the beginnings of a good author -- but you have the beginnings of a lot of good things, probably!. You must love it the same way anyone wants to do well at what they love -- to practice, practice, practice to be the best you can, the best you can be!. Even when it's just you, and a blank piece of paper or a blank computer screen!. You have to love it to be good enough for people to notice!.
Anyone can throw words on a screen!. It's the people that can make those words mean something through study and practice that are considered okay -- it means they've learned the basics well enough to apply them!.
Even then, some authors that are considered great now were never commercial successes in their lifetime!. And some authors that are commercial successes and made a bunch of money have not gotten the critical acclaim that they really would like!.

I know this is a lot!. But I think if I don't give you the long answer, I'm not giving you the good answer!. Do what you love, don't do what you think will be an easy way to get praise!. Nothing worth doing well is easy!. But keep on doing it, because you must love it to lean how to do it well enough to get praise, and maybe even paid for what you write!.

Keep on writing!.