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Question: Umm writers block!?!?!?!?
i am writing a book about at 15yr old and her parents are in the military so she gets sent to a boarding school( it will be her 9th one) and her first one with boys and girls!. there are a lot of details i am leaving out , but if her parents are actually spies and she goes to a spy school should i add a romance in there too!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
All right, well in general principle don't simply add something because you think there is a random chance it might be nice for the story!. Your readers will know it's just being randomly added!. I would say that most stories develop their own romances by simply placing compatible characters in the same situation!. That being said, I think your first Co-Ed boarding school concept is ripe for romantic situations!. So you should decide, is the spy school thing the main focus of the book, or is the romance the main focus and the spy school the backdrop!?

If the Spy School is your main focus, then the book is going to be about your main character's personal attributes, whether she is brave, cowardly, skilled, or what have you!. In either case you're dealing with a story of someone who cares about her success at that point!. If the romance is the main focus, or the important part, then you're dealing with a character who is trying to get through some schooling her parents have essentially forced her into!.

You could also combine the plots and have the main character dissatisfied with school initially, but have her try harder so she can impress the love interest!. No matter what you do, make sure every detail of your story is there for a reason!.

Hope that long-winded answer helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess that could be more of a twist, it depends on whatever interests you!. It would make the story a lot more complicated, but I think that would make it better, so it's not just a simple story about a girl who goes to spy school!. If I were you, I'd make more twists, like best friends or pets, no matter what it is, Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nice try!. Write about things you know and and can add to!. Who cares about some spy kid and all ways in danger!. I wrote a story about one of my former girl friends!. Got so far and I had to add libe!. Some have read it and they found the story interested!. Good luck in writing!. You may become a great writer, or a one story wonder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com