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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I am looking for a book I read in 1984. Kids stuck on never ending stair had foo

Question: I am looking for a book I read in 1984!. Kids stuck on never ending stair had food dipensed through a hole!.!.!.
Ok, this book was crazy and I loved it!. It was an 8th grade required reading!. These kids were trapped on never ending stairs!. If memory serves correct they had to hurt one another, be it emotionally or physically, in order to get food that was dispensed in what I remember to remind me of a meat grinder!.!.I know this sounds insane!. And we thought what the kids now where reading and watching was bizarre!.!.!.Thanks to any help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
House of Stairs! I had actually already graduated college when someone gave me this book!. It's horrifying!. I can't see a stoplight now without still thinking about it, and still re-read it from time to time!.

If I'm not mistaken, Sleator wrote another book called "Among the Dolls!." There wasn't as much social commentary involved, but it was equally disturbing when I was younger!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

"House of Stairs" by William Sleator
"One by one, five sixteen-year-old orphans are brought to a strange building!. It is not a prison, not a hospital; it has no walls, no ceiling, no floor!. Nothing but endless flights of stairs leading nowhere —except back to a strange red machine!. The five must learn to love the machine and let it rule their lives!. But will they let it kill their souls"Www@QuestionHome@Com