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Question: Anyone like my Novel idea!?!.!.
Okay, I'm an author, and I had (half) an idea for a novel!. I normally write sci-fi/fantasy/adventure novels so!.!. anyway!. Its about an expedition of scientists and their protection that are trecking through South America!. Whilst charting a newfound group of Nazca lines, they stumble across the entrance to an ancient but somewhat modern temple/tomb!. They believe it to be alien, as the writings inside show a 3rd person perspective of earth!.

So whilst researching all of this, a budding scientist fascinated with Mars suggests the idea that a primitive species had evolved on Mars then been mysteriously wiped out!. Then the force that wiped out that civilization returns in some sort of astronomical coincidence and is on a seemingly unstoppable course to destroy Earth, the next planet in line!. So scientists, now rag-tag team of commandos, go after an alien technology placed on Earth to stop the force!.

So yeah classic story of end of the world, but most people like that!. Just looking to see if anyone likes it!? I know there's a lot of gaps to be filled, but thats just the initial idea!. So any other ideas would be appreciated!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Like you said it has alot of gaps but you are right the whole " end of the world " thing appeals to alot of people!. Personally it is not the kind of thing that I am in to but I do think that it is a good idea!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not sure how there would new found set of Nazca lines, under what environment would they have been hidden yet still be preserved!? also Confused by the term ancient yet modern tomb!. If you can make me believe it I would read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kewl idea! the only pointer i have is that the destroy earth bit is a bit typical (sorry ) couldnt they have another mission!? thats just my thoughts i watch too much dr who :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Got to add in a random love subplot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com