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Question: How young is the youngest author
me and my mate louise may be publishing a book soon, we just wanted to know who the youngest author is!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not sure!. Google!? The youngest famous author I know is that kid who did the Aragon (The dragons) series!. He was like 17 when he wrote them!. I'm writting a book and I'll have it published by the time I'm 16!. (Hopefully!.) Whichis in a few months!. It's going to be the next Twilight :) Anyways so how old are you guys!? Did I beat ya!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

The youngest male author is Christopher Beale was 6 years and 118 days when he finished his book, This and Last Season's Excursions!.

In 1964, a four year old girl had their book published in Washington DC called "How the World Began"Www@QuestionHome@Com