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Question: I need advice for what to read!?
I'm fourteen and want to know if anybody knows any good books to read!?
My friend said the Twilight Series is a good one!.
also Harry Potter!.
I just don't know!
I need some books for book reviews in class!.
Thanks (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
if you have some specific books that you really like you can go to whatshouldireadnext!.com, enter the title of the book and the author, and it should show you some books that are similar and you might like!.

you can also check out shelfari!.com for more books that you might like!.

hope this helps!

Never read Twilight, but it seems very popular among teens!.

I recommend Harry Potter!. I was dead set against reading those books because they seemed over-hyped, but one night I was at my sister's place and bored stupid, so I picked up the first Harry Potter book, and after the first couple chapters I was totally addicted!. They're just really fun and easy to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sarah Dessen books are good, plus I read this book for ec in english called Whale Talk by Chris Crutcher, yes it sounds weird but its actually a really good book!. Can't Get There from Here is good too, it makes you think, and Make Lemonade would probably be good for a review!. Just some suggestions, I'm sure you'll find an awesome book =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, i'm 21 and around 14 i started reading harry potter!. It's my favorite lol I've heard that the twilight series is a very good series!. I don't know of any other series but if I were you, I'd check into Mitch Albom, he's another favorite of mine!. The Secret Life of Bees is great too!.!.!.it all depends what your into!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not a fan of Harry Potter!.!. but the Twilight Series Is Amazing!. Even For People Who Aren't Fans of Fantasy!. It has a lot of almost every genre!. Another good book that isn't a series is Don't Die My Love and Hannah's Gift!. Oh, and Winnie Has WingsWww@QuestionHome@Com

try heir apparent its a great bookWww@QuestionHome@Com