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Question: Writers: how do you write!?
when you are writing do you write from begining to end or do you write random scenes and then put them together like they would with a movie!? or another way!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I outline the story and then work on which scene I'm feeling at the moment!. So it's not always in order but since I have the outline I don't have to worry about getting off track!. Other writers will start from the first sentence and go straight through to the end!. Keep writing and you'll figure out which works best for you!.

Personally the way I write may be a little askew from others!. After coming up with a main idea, I create my characters, all before the story is written, after I feel that I know the characters well enough (I give them back stories that will not be in the book, but may be alluded to, etc) and then just imagine how they would react to a situation that I throw at them!. I usually go from beginning to end, mainly because I hate puzzles!.

but if I'm thinking about something that may happen later on, I jot it down separately until I feel it can fit in, this allows me to change anything that needs changing from the first idea!.

but that's just the way I do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First I make a rough outline of what the storyline will be, the white heat of imagination!.

I then assign characters to the plot, and make detailed notes about them, using ALL attributes, likes, dislikes, friends etc!. I even cut out pictures from magazines so I know what they will look like!. I put down absolutely everything I can to build up a picture of the main protagonists and understand how they'll react in a given circumstance!.

I then make out a story OUTLINE!. This is a chapter by chapter route-map!. It helps me understand any problems I might face, it also means I'll not face writer's block because I know where it will be going, and stops me writing myself into a corner due to unknown obstacles!.

When this is complete I then write in free-flow and FULL-flow!.

Because of the structured approach, I could write the last chapter first, or any order I wish!. I tend not to, I tend to write sequentially, but the option is there!.

For more information see http://ajbarnett-story!.blogspot!.com/2008!.!.!. and the related posts!.

Anthony James Barnett - authorWww@QuestionHome@Com

I often start with a character, and build on him/her!. Then other characters are introduced as the story suggests!. Other times, I have the bare bones of a plot in my head, I jot it down on paper, and simply build around it!. I'm sure you'll receive lots of answers from other writers with their own, (probably better!), ideas, but that's the way I usually go about it!.
Good luck
Mike BWww@QuestionHome@Com

I write a detailed outline first!. While coming up with the outline I use the "come up with random scenes, put them in order, and then write the stuff in between" approach, but when it's time to turn the outline into a first draft I start at the beginning and work straight through!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

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