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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can anyone help me with this before I get too far with my novel?

Question: Can anyone help me with this before I get too far with my novel!?
Hi there, I am on my 3rd chapter of my novel and would like to change a couple of character names is there a way I can do this without going through the whole text and changing the names one by one, I am using microsoft works and 'I would like to change the names before I get any further!. Any ideas!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ctrl+f click on replace tab and then type in one name and then what you want to change it to and then do the same thing for all the other characters you want to change!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Mkay, this is what you can do :)

if you have Microsoft Works, then I'm sure you're computer's got Notepad on it!. Look in the Start menu > All programs > Accessories!.

Copy/paste your entire novel so far into a new Notepad document!.

Go to Edit and then 'Replace'!. In the 'find what' box, type the first character name you want to change!.
In the 'replace with' box, type the new name you want to use for that character!.

Hit 'Replace All'!.

And do the same for any other character names you need to change :)

Then copy/paste the revised document back into your Microsoft Works document and save :D

You may want to skim through quickly just to make sure all the names got changed - they all should, but just be safe :)

there you go!Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's a very simple tool, most likely in the "formatting" menu, that allows you to type in what word you want to replace and what word you want to replace it with, and they'll all be changed!. Be careful that you don't forget to change possessives and such!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Spell check will allow you to change every name at once, if it isn't already in the dictionary!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope i am srry



No sorry I'm pretty sure theres no way!. Www@QuestionHome@Com