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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I want to start writing a romance story/book...but from then on I don't know

Question: I want to start writing a romance story/book!.!.!.but from then on I don't know where to go!?
Yes, I have a general idea of what I'd like to write!. I'm a writer and these ideas usually just come to me!.!.!.but I'm beginning a romance piece, based on a love tragedy between two young people!. From then on, though, I'm stuck!. Romance isn't exactly my area of expertise, but I want to give it a try because I've watched enough movies and read enough books about it!.
Would appreciate any help!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In my experience romances tend to be more character-driven than plot-driven, which may be a change from what you're used to!. Do you have your characters developed yet!? If not, develop your characters and then think about what they would do!. Really immerse yourself in the characters and just start writing!. It doesn't have to be from the beginning, just write as your characters, get to know them, and go from there!. That's the easiest way for me when I'm stuck on plot!.

If you're still feeling lost, use a random word generator and see where it takes you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try writing an outline and brainstorming!. You have the idea but no story, the best way in my opinion to get a story is to get to know your characters!. There is something called a G!.O!.T!.E sheet that is used for actors and sometimes writing!. You can also find character analysis worksheets and interview your characters like you are sitting across the table from them!. Another thing that helps me is a web site called writersblocksolution!.com this website has a manual that has tips and tricks on getting your creative juices working!. Just buy a notebook and fill it up! Believe me it works!. I had a dream about a dark individual walking down a beach and started using these things; within two weeks I have the story fleshed out and ready to write!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

it depends on what age group you want to write for!. Teens (for romance) usually go for stories in which theres a love triangle, messing up friends, yada yada!. Kinda basic storyline, but add in as many twists as you might need, if you want to use it!. I'm working on one right now!! Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you really are a writer, than you should know better then to ask this question!. Shame on you!. Stop trying to lift other people's ideas!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um try brainstorming, don't ask here, because it's your book!. Only you can find a true idea you like!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write a well structured outline down on paper, and fill it in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you should have them meet in a library