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Question: Do you like the book twilight!?
ok, when i finished reading the book twilight for the first time, i thought it was pretty good, but when i read it again, it was, err really bad!. idk, i just want to know what you think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I feel the same!. I loved it when I read it the first time, then, after I read the second one I decided to read it again!. I couldn't even finish because I didn't like it!. I don't know what it is, but that's how it is for me!. :) Maybe it's because I already know what's going to happen and so I look more at the details than the general idea!. It's not very well written and the characters don't have a lot of depth, but it's still a very gripping book, I don't know why though!.

I think that it's not as good as everyone thinks, though!. From the media hyping it up, to teenage girls swooning over Edward, it's way overrated!.

I can't say that the series has gotten betther, though!. I've just finished Breaking Dawn and I was deeply dissappointed!. Usually books in a series get better and better!. Take Harry Potter, for example!. JK Rowling and Stephenie Meyer started with the best sellers "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone" and "Twilight"!. In the Harry Potter series, the characters matured and the plots became more deep as she became a better writer with experience!. Stephenie Meyer, however, hasn't changed at all!. Her last book was just as good as the first one, if not worse!. I'm not saying she's not capable of writing a decent book, she is!. She just needs more time to spend writing her books!. With deadlines and fans who can't wait for the next book, it's hard to make it good!.

Here's the order I liked the books in (starting with number 4)
New Moon (so bad it took me 3 months to read)
Breaking Dawn (dissappointing, but not nearly as bad as New Moon)
Twilight (Good, nice way to start out a series, makes you want to read more)
And my favorite Twilight book was!.!.!.!.!.
Eclipse (Good, could have been better, but it was the best out of the series, I don't know why I liked it so much, but it was good)

Sorry my answer ended up so long!! lolol My answer was purely my opinion, you don't have to agree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok this is the thing!.
Twilight had POTENTIAL to be really good!. The idea was good, the writing and delivery was poor!. To further explain my point, take Edward Cullen for example!. The first time you read the book, he probably stroke you as a perfect being!. A perfect IMPOSSIBLE being!. Every woman's dream i guess (^-^'')!. His beauty captivated you and you just read through thinking
"omg edward cullen is so perfect <3" without paying much attention to anything else (like the stuff he would say)!.

HOWEVER, second time around, you noticed the annoying repetition of pathetic things like "No bella, don't be difficult, i'm a danger to you!." You probably wondered "huh!.!.!.one second Edward's trying to avoid sucking bella's blood but the next second he's just all of a sudden in love with this girl!? Wtf!?"!. Or maybe it was Bella's attempts to be this noble heroine that just ended up hurting people when trying to look like the big shot!. I don't know!. She just got on my nerves QUICK!.


It was great! But you're right, the second time around it's not as good!. My reasoning for this is because you get caught up in the mystery and sensuality surrounding Edward!. Once it has been revealed you're only left with writing that constantly points out how good looking Edward is while creating a submissive and weak leading lady, Bella!.

As you get to Breaking Dawn (the 4th book) you'll see that this continues!. I won't spoil anything, but you'll see how Stephenie Meyer continues to alienate her audience!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should read New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn!. I love the books because I love romance and danger- it's like Romeo and Juliet- forbidden love!. Honestly, it's the best book I have ever read and I read a book a day, but it's your decision- you're the one reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ive read it a lot, and I like it every time!. It's not actually an amazingly well written book, but I like the plot!. In fact i love it!. I've read the book about 13 times and have listened to the audiobook 3 times, working on 4!. (I'm listening to it right now!.) Ha ha!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Loved em all!.
The hype did confuse me, seen as id read them a year before, and theyd been out an extra year before that!.

Maybe it lost its magic when you read it the second time, you knew what was coming and the excitement disappeared!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love it to death!!!!!! OMG by far the best series i have ever read!.!.!. you should keep reading into the series though, it just keeps getting better! Breaking Dawn was AWSUME!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with you i hated the first one new moon was ok eclipse was the bestWww@QuestionHome@Com

it's good!. There's a little too much hype from the media it seems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I don't!. It's a stupid book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com